人生取決於選擇—箴言4:23 [你要保守你的心, 勝過保守一切, 因為一生的果效是由心發出的.] 心即心思, 或內在的生命.  內在的生命是一股湧流的泉源.  人生需要充滿活力, 不斷積極更生.  一生的果效即屬靈的生命力.  屬靈的生命力為何選擇不向世俗妥協呢?因為一旦妥協, 之後便會有更多的麻煩, 因為只要妥協過一次, 就可能有下一次.  親愛的朋友, 你能為堅守原則, 而犠牲到什麼地步呢? 選擇堅守屬靈的生命力到底, 就會重返榮耀, 得到別人的敬重.  聖經中有一位堅守原則的人, 名叫但以理.  以色列人在吃的方面一直有嚴肅的規定, 當但以理被俘虜到巴比倫的時候, 巴比倫的國王基於好心, 要用御膳的酒供養他們, 然而但以理卻不畏懼一切的困難, 選擇了拒絕.  堅持在信仰中, 潔身自愛.  上帝便因此賜福給他, 使他能夠安然度過多次的危機, 並且大有可為.  但以理不但位居高位, 並成為巴比倫三代君王的宰相, 這些都顯現出上帝大能的所在.  親愛的朋友, 我們一生都要做許多不同的選擇, 每一天都要做很多的決定, 什麼是你做決定的原則與標準呢? 這個世界有許多似是而非的價值觀, 也有許多的誘惑和試探, 當你願意持守正直誠實, 選擇符合上帝的慈愛良善聖潔的本質, 上帝必定大大賜福給你, 並且在人的面前抬舉你, 使你得到人們的敬重.  使你的人生向上提升到更高的境界.  我們要依賴上帝的標準, 選擇向上提升. 而不是依靠世俗的標準, 選擇向下沈淪.

0099 Life is a matter of choice – Proverbs 4:23 [Keep your heart above all else, for out of the heart are the results of life.] The heart is the mind, or the inner life. The inner life is a A fountain of flow. Life needs to be full of vitality and continuous active regeneration. The effect of life is spiritual vitality. Why does spiritual vitality choose not to compromise with the world? Because once you compromise, there will be more troubles, because as long as you compromise once, there may be another time. Dear friends, how much can you sacrifice to stick to your principles? If you choose to hold on to your spiritual vitality to the end, you will return to glory and gain the respect of others. There is a man in the Bible who stood firm in principle, named Daniel. The Israelites have always had serious regulations on what to eat. When they were captured in Babylon, the king of Babylon, out of good intentions, wanted to feed them with wine, but Daniel was not afraid of all difficulties and chose to refuse. He insisted on faith, and loved himself. God blessed him for this. To him, so that he can survive many crises and have a lot to do. Daniel’s not only high position, but also become the prime minister of three generations of Babylonian kings, which shows the power of God. Dear friends, we will all live Make many different choices, make many decisions every day, what are the principles and criteria for your decision-making? There are many plausible values in this world, as well as many temptations and temptations. When you are willing to uphold integrity and honesty, and choose the essence of God’s love, goodness, and holiness, God will surely bless you greatly and lift you up in front of others. Make you respected by people. Elevate your life to a higher level. We must rely on God’s standards and choose to ascend. Instead of relying on worldly standards, we choose to sink down.