領受超乎想像的祝福—箴言19:17[憐憫貧窮就是借給耶和華, 他的善行耶和華必償還.]意思是説不計較得失, 寬以待人, 是最受益之人. 馬太福音7:2 [你們用什麼量器量給人, 也必用什麼量器量你們.] 意思是說, 我們怎麼待人, 上帝就怎麼待我. 當我們選擇恩賜待人, 盡管看起來像是吃虧. 但上帝的恩典, 一定會彌補我們在其他方面的損失. 許多華人都有借錢給人, 慘遭不還的痛苦經驗, 包括我在內, 想起來都會有椎心之痛. 華人社會有許多狡詐之徒, 利用朋友的同情心, 想盡辦法借錢不還. 訴諸法律也是竹籃打水一塲空. 殊不知沒有抵押品的借貸, 事實上就是贈予. 打白條沒有任何法律作用. 但為何明知山有虎, 偏向虎山行, 不斷上當受騙呢?人有善心幫助朋友, 為何反被倒打一耙呢? 債權人是罪有應得嗎? 君子需要學習小人的伎倆, 使自己百毒不侵嗎?其實不必灰心. 人生不能只看失不看得. 不帝不會棄我們於不顧, 總會千方百計的彌補我們因惻隱之心所遭受的損失. 我曾被牧師及學弟騙過, 損失了大量金錢, 情何以堪?但我都挺過來了. 有上帝的人生是多麼的有趣, 有太多的驚喜. 2006年我在南加州山區發現了兩座巨型金礦, 經過不斷的努力, 其中一座金礦在香港上市, 另外一座金礦捐給了教會. 上帝對我的恩典實在太過豐盛, 我怎能計較朋友對我的不仁不義. 朋友咬你一小塊肉, 上帝會補你一大塊肉. 這不是阿Q精神, 最重要的是你要一直保守善良純樸的心. 不必太計較做儍子或被騙, 要在其中學習經驗教訓, 而不是怨天尤人. 親愛的朋友, 我們的上帝是慷慨恩惠的神. 人有人性, 神有神性, 我們需要神校正及補救人性的缺失與不足. 上帝願意祝福我們, 成為一位柔和謙卑的人, 以愛心對待周邊的人. 才能夠經歷到上帝加倍的恩典與祝福. 今天不論環境如何, 我們都要選擇良善, 以恩賜待人. 上帝要把這份祝福賜給你, 為你創造出無窮的豐盛.
Receive unimaginable blessings – Proverbs 19:17 [Pity the poor is to lend to the LORD, and the LORD will repay his good deeds.] It means that the one who benefits the most regardless of gain or loss, is lenient with others. Matthew 7: 2 [With the same measure you measure others, you will also be measured by the same measure.] It means that God will do to me how we treat people. When we choose to treat people with gifts, it may seem like a disadvantage. But the grace of God, It will definitely make up for our losses in other areas. Many Chinese people have had the painful experience of borrowing money to others, but not paying it back, including me, when I think about it, I will feel heartache. There are many cunning people in Chinese society who take advantage of friends With sympathy, he tried his best to borrow money but did not pay it back. Going to the law was just empty. Little do they know that a loan without collateral is in fact a gift. Are you inclined to go to Tiger Mountain and keep being deceived? People who have kindness to help friends, why are they beaten down instead? Are creditors justified? Does the gentleman need to learn the tricks of the villain to make himself invulnerable to all poisons? In fact, don’t be discouraged. Life can’t just look at what is wrong. God will not abandon us, and will do everything possible to make up for the losses we have suffered due to compassion. Money, what’s the matter? But I survived. How interesting life with God is, there are so many surprises. In 2006, I discovered two giant gold mines in the mountains of Southern California. After continuous efforts, one of the gold mines was listed in Hong Kong, Another gold mine was donated to the church. God’s grace to me is too abundant, how can I care about my friend’s inhumanity and injustice to me. If a friend bites you a small piece of meat, God will make up for a big piece of meat. This is not a Q spirit, the most important thing is that you should always keep a kind and simple heart. Don’t worry too much about being a fool or being deceived, you should learn lessons from it, rather than blame others. Dear friends, our God is a God of generosity and grace. Human beings have humanity, and God has divinity. We need God to correct and remedy the shortcomings and deficiencies of human nature. God is willing to bless us to become a meek and humble person who treats those around us with love. Only then can we experience God’s doubled grace and Blessings. No matter what the circumstances are today, we must choose what is good and treat others with gifts. God will give you this blessing and create infinite abundance for you.