邁向成功的態度—-哥林多後書9:6[少種的少收, 多種的多收. 這話是真的.]這是因著追求卓越的精神, 不斷地追求進步與練習的機會. 親愛的朋友, 卓越是一種一次比一次變得更好的生命態度. 聖經中保羅曾説, “這不是説我已經得著了, 已經完全了, 我乃是竭力追求.” 腓立比書3:12a. 這就是一種追求卓越的態度. 親愛的朋友, 你也期待你的人生, 是個邁向成功的人生嗎?卓越表現在有良好的工作態度, 待人和善, 做事井然有序, 盡心竭力. 當你這樣活的時候. 朋友會看見, 你品格的深度, 看見你卓越的心智. 他們就會受你影響, 相信你, 尊重你. 今天上帝也要來鼓勵你, 當你開始活出卓越的生命態度時, 上帝也必要使你在許多人的面前蒙恩. 在你的的職場中脫頴而出, 並成為許多人的祝福. 安土重遷是人的本性, 而出國留學或移民本身就是一種追求卓越邁向成功的態度. 1980年八月當我第一次拿著I-20以學生身份來美國讀書, 接機的是我大學同班同學, 他比我早半年來美就讀, 當時他開著一輛破車, 穿著短褲, 滿頭大汗的從餐館打完工來接我. 使我立刻明白留學的艱辛. 經過40年的努力, 我們兩人都稍有成就. 但掩蓋不住的是滿臉的風霜及一顆追求卓越, 堅忍不拔, 蒙神祝福的心志. 最近和這位老同學餐敘, 他送我兩顆收集到的隕石. 十分感激這兩位來自天外的朋友, 當我把玩隕石時, 往事一幕幕又浮現在我的眼前.
Attitude towards success – 2 Corinthians 9:6 [The one who sows little will reap little, and the one who sows much will reap more. This is true.] This is due to the spirit of excellence, the constant pursuit of progress and practice Excellence is an attitude to life that gets better every time, dear friends. Paul in the Bible said, “It’s not that I’ve got it, I’m perfect, but I’m striving for it.” Philip Phi 3:12a. This is an attitude of excellence. Dear friend, do you also look forward to your life, a life that leads to success? Excellence is in having a good work ethic, treating people well, doing things in order, and doing your best. When you live like this. Friends will see the depth of your character, see your excellent mind. They will be influenced by you, believe You, respect you. God will also come to encourage you today, when you start to live an excellent attitude towards life , God will also make you find favor in front of many people. Come out in your workplace and become a Blessings from many people. It is human nature to resettle and relocate, and studying abroad or immigrating is itself an attitude of pursuing excellence and achieving success. In August 1980, when I first came to the United States to study as a student with my I-20, The person who picked up the plane was my classmate from college. He came to the United States to study in the United States half a year earlier than me. At that time, he drove a broken car, was wearing shorts, and was sweating profusely from the restaurant to pick me up. It made me immediately understand the hardships of studying abroad. . After 40 years of hard work, both of us have achieved a little. But what can’t be hidden is the weather on our face and a will to pursue excellence, perseverance, and God’s blessing. Recently, I had a dinner with this old classmate, He gave me two meteorites that he collected. I am very grateful to these two friends from outside the sky. When I played with meteorites, scenes of the past appeared in front of my eyes again.