不可能變可能—-路加福音18:27[耶穌的説:在人所不能的事, 在神卻能.]用信心面對不可能, 才有機會經歷可能. 我們要相信上帝, 生命中你不管遇到什麼事, 你都選擇相信神. 在凡事當中, 你都相信神. 焦點決定現實. 人的只能加上神的全能, 才能克服所有的不可能. 馬太福音11:28”耶穌説: 凡勞苦重擔的人, 到我這裡來, 我要讓你得安息.” 不是凡勞苦擔重擔的人, 到我這里來, 我要讓你分擔重擔. 我們要學習完全的交託. 交託給主, 我們就會發現不可能成為可能. 耶利米書32:17”主耶和華啊!祢曾用大能和伸出來的膀臂創造天地, 在祢沒有難成的事.” 上帝啊!我知道在祢沒有難成的事, 我願意認罪悔改歸向祢, 並且接受主耶穌為我的救主和生命的主.
Impossible becomes possible–Luke 18:27 [Jesus said: What is impossible with man is possible with God.] Face the impossible with faith, and then have the opportunity to experience the possibility. We must believe in God, life No matter what happens to you, you choose to believe in God. In all things, you believe in God. Focus determines reality. Only by adding God’s almighty power to man can you overcome all the impossibility. Matthew 11:28 “Jesus said: Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Not all who are weary and heavy laden, come to me, and I will let you share the burden. We must learn to commit completely Entrusted to the Lord, we shall discover that the impossible is possible. Jeremiah 32:17 “O Lord GOD, by your mighty power and outstretched arm you made heaven and earth, and nothing is too difficult for you.” God ! I know that nothing is too hard for you, I am willing to repent of my sins and turn to you, and accept the Lord Jesus as my Savior and Lord of my life.