天國的護照—-希伯來書11:6[人非有信, 就不得上帝的喜悅. 因為到上帝面前來的人, 必須信有上帝, 且信祂賞賜那尋求祂的人.]永生的確據就是天國的護照. 約翰福音14:6”耶穌説:我就是道路, 真理, 生命. 若不藉著我, 沒有人能到父那里去.” 這正是耶穌道成肉身的目的, 為我們成就通往永生的道路. 以致現在的我們可以得著天國的護照. 救恩不是每一個人都能拿到, 一個人之所以會失去永恆的生命, 是因為他的自由選擇, 他選擇與其上帝隔絕, 他拒絕天國的護照. 在這世上, 上帝從來不會逼我們要愛祂. 但我們選擇不要愛祂, 我們就會跟祂分離, 失去永恆的生命, 這是我們的選擇. 選擇祂, 你就選擇這個道路. 這是天堂與地獄的選擇. 請你選擇, 取得天國的護照.
Passport to the Kingdom of Heaven – Hebrews 11:6 Assurance is the passport of the kingdom of heaven. John 14:6 “Jesus said: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.” This is the purpose of Jesus’ incarnation, for us Fulfill the way to eternal life. So that we can now have the passport of the kingdom of heaven. Salvation is not available to everyone, the reason why a person loses eternal life is because of his free choice, he chooses to be separated from his God, He rejects the passport to heaven. God never forces us to love him in this world. But we choose not to love him, and we will be separated from him and lose eternal life. It is our choice. Choose him and you will Choose this path. This is the choice between heaven and hell. Please choose, and get the passport of the kingdom of heaven.