神的大能運行在每一個心思意念轉變的當下—-馬太福音13:22[撒在荊棘里的, 就是人聽了道, 後來有世上的思慮, 錢財的迷惑, 把道擠住了, 不能結實.]. 世上的思慮是指每天的勞苦愁煩, 焦慮及壓力, 自責, 內疚, 定罪及各種懼怕及負面思維.  沒有回到神的應許及祝福.  錯誤的思維會把神的道擠住.  沒有用恩典的道來更新每天的思想意念.  你沒有辦法決定你的環境及外在的經歷, 可是你可決定你每天思想什麼麼.  要保守你的心, 勝過保守一切.  我是尊貴的, 耶和崋必要祝福我美好的人生, 來榮耀祂的聖名.  我們要活在屬靈的真實, 真理當中.  神的話語永不改變.  祂對你的愛永不止息.  讓你的心回到神的話語.  讓你的思維保持清潔, 因為一生的果效, 是由心發出.  怎樣思維, 就是怎樣的人, 一直要調整思維.  一調整, 與神的管道就溝通了, 上帝的祝福就傾倒下來.  羅馬書12:2”不要效法這個世界, 只要心意更新而變化, 叫你們察驗何為神的善良, 純全, 可喜悅的旨意.”

The power of God operates at the moment of every change of heart and mind—Matthew 13:22 , unable to bear fruit.]. The worries of the world refer to the daily toils and sorrows, anxiety and stress, self-blame, guilt, condemnation and all kinds of fears and negative thoughts. There is no return to the promises and blessings of God. Squeeze. No way of renewing your daily thoughts with the word of grace. You can’t decide your circumstances and your outer experiences, but you can decide what you think about every day. Keep your heart above everything. I Majesty, the Lord will bless my good life and glorify His holy name. We are to live in spiritual truth, truth. God’s word never changes. His love for you never fails. Let you Return your heart to the word of God. Keep your mind clean, because the effect of your life comes from your heart. How you think is what kind of person you are, and you must always adjust your thinking. Once you adjust, you will be able to communicate with God. The blessings of God were poured out. Romans 12:2 “Do not be like this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may test what is the good, perfect, and pleasing will of God.”