從失敗中學習成功—-馬可福音9:23[你若能信, 在信的人, 凡事都能.]從失敗中所學到的功課, 就是不斷認識上帝, 不斷信靠上帝.  挑戰是生活中的日常, 你會犯很多錯, 一次又一次的失敗.  請不要氣餒, 失敗是我們人生最重要的課程.  失敗告訴我們做事的方法.  永遠不要讓失敗擊垮自己.  親愛的朋友, 當你失敗後, 你仍對未來保持期待與盼望嗎?一時的失敗, 並不是人生的終點, 好日子還在後頭.  聖經中上帝應許以色列人將迦南美地賜給他們.  但這個過程, 並非一蹴而成.  當經過在埃及為奴的400年, 摩西帶以色列人出埃及時, 過程並非一帆風順.  雖然藉著上帝在法老面前行神蹟, 可是法老一直要到第十個神蹟, 才肯放以色列百姓走.  之後以色列人又在壙野走了40年.  到了迦南地又有許多塲戰爭.  如果以色列人在當中任何一個環節放棄, 他們就永遠進不了應許之地.  親愛的朋友, 大多數的失敗, 不是因為能力有限, 而是不能堅持到底.  馬太福音24:13”唯有忍耐到底的, 必能得救.”  有時環境可能讓你感到失望, 挫敗.  當你堅持到底不放棄, 你會發現成功就近在眼前.  這當中的祕訣在於相信上帝應許將賜給你一個豐盛的人生.   這過程可能不如你想像的順遂, 但上帝會在每一個困難中幫助你, 賜給你力量.  你將看到上帝的賜福與帶領.

Learn from failure to succeed – Mark 9:23 [If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes .] The lesson learned from failure is to keep knowing God and keep trusting in God. Challenge It’s a daily routine in life, you will make many mistakes and fail again and again. Please don’t get discouraged, failure is the most important lesson in our life. Failure teaches us how to do things. Never let failure defeat yourself. Dear friends, When you fail, do you still have hope and hope for the future? A temporary failure is not the end of life, and good days are yet to come. In the Bible, God promised the Israelites to give them the good land of Canaan. But this process did not happen overnight. After 400 years of slavery in Egypt, Moses When the Israelites were brought out of Egypt, the process was not all smooth sailing. Although God performed miracles before Pharaoh, Pharaoh did not let the Israelites go until the tenth miracle. After that, the Israelites walked in Kouye for 40 days. Years. In the land of Canaan there were many wars. If the Israelites gave up on any of them, they would never enter the promised land. Dear friends, most failures are not because of limited ability, but because of inability to persevere to the end Matthew 24:13 “He who endures to the end will be saved.” Sometimes circumstances may make you feel disappointed and frustrated. When you persevere to the end and don’t give up, you will find that success is just around the corner. The secret of this is Trusting God’s promises will give you an abundant life. The process may not be as smooth as you think, but God will help you and give you strength in every difficulty. You will see God’s blessing and guidance.