超越現實的快樂—-傳道書2:14[智慧人的眼目光明, 愚昧人卻在黑暗裡行.]親愛的朋友, 日子一天一天的過, 簡單些, 活得快樂些. 再困難的生活, 也可以用快樂打造. 關鍵在你是否有一顆用快樂感受生活的心. 聖經中的腓立比書, 是保羅在監獄裡寫的書信. 當時他被捆鎖, 環境惡劣, 前途茫茫, 生死未卜. 而就在這樣的環境中, 保羅寫下腓立比, 這卷被稱為喜樂的書信. 其中一句話説”我靠主大大的喜樂.” 腓4:10. 喜樂在這卷書內, 出現了17次之多. 保羅在這卷書信中充滿了喜樂的力量. 保羅的這種喜樂, 是超越環境的喜樂. 親愛的朋友, 你的情緒也常被眼前的環境所影響嗎?保羅的情緒不是根據環境的起伏. 環境不能使他悲觀和低沈, 保羅説”我無論在什麼情況都可以知足. 這是我已經學會的. 我知道怎樣處卑賤, 也知道怎樣處豐富. 或飽足, 或飢餓, 或有餘, 或缺乏, 隨事隨在, 我都得了祕訣. 我靠著加給我力量的, 凡事都能做.” 腓4:11-13. 保羅內心有超越環境的力量. 保羅有一個祕訣, 使他欣然擁抱他的處境. 今天上帝要來祝福你, 當你願意停止抗拒所遇到的每件事, 學習欣然擁抱你的處境, 只要你改變態度, 不再抱怨, 它就會成就, 就會看見事情開始改變.
Happiness beyond reality – Ecclesiastes 2:14 [The wise see clearly, but the fool walk in darkness.] My dear friend, day by day, live a simpler, happier life. No matter how difficult life is , can also be forged with joy. The key is whether you have a heart that feels life with joy. The book of Philippians in the Bible is a letter written by Paul in prison. At that time, he was chained, the environment was bad, the future was uncertain, life and death Unknown. And it was in this environment that Paul wrote Philippi, which is called the Epistle of Joy. One of the words says, “I rejoice greatly in the Lord.” Phil 4:10. The joy is in this book, It appears 17 times. Paul is full of joy in this epistle. Paul’s joy is joy beyond circumstance. Dear friend, are your emotions often affected by the circumstance in front of you? Paul’s emotions are not based on the ups and downs of circumstances. The circumstances cannot make him pessimistic and low, Paul said “I can be content in any situation. This is what I have learned. I know how to be humble and how to be rich. Or full enough, or hunger, or surplus, or want, anything, I have the secret. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:11-13. Paul had a strength in his heart that transcended circumstances. Paul had a recipe for embracing his situation. God is coming to bless you today when you are willing to stop resisting everything that comes your way and learn to embrace your situation as long as you change your attitude and stop complaining about it It will be accomplished, and you will see things start to change.