以誠實贏得信任—-約翰一書3:18[我們相愛, 不要只在言語和舌頭上, 總要在行為和誠實上.] 親愛的朋友, 一個人再有能力, 也需要有美好的生命品格, 才能走的長久. 在聖經中也常常提到, 在做錯事後, 誠實的重要. 詩篇51:6”你所喜愛的事是內裡誠實. 你在我隱密處必使我得智慧.” 這是以色列君王大衛在犯罪以後, 向上帝認罪所做的禱告. 大衛在上帝面前承認自己的失敗, 他不會以為只是虧欠人, 沒有關係. 而是誠實面對自己內心的世界. 這也是上帝所喜歡的誠實. 不只是外在所表出來的行為. 更重要的是我們內在動機是否真誠無偽. 親愛的朋友, 人人都可能犯錯, 但真正的智慧不是隱藏, 不是遮掩, 而是誠實面對. 上帝不只看人的外貌, 更深切瞭解我們內心一切的想法. 當你願意誠實面對自己的失敗, 面對上帝時, 上帝會賜給你勇氣與智慧, 讓你再次站起來. 今天祝福你也能夠因著誠實的品格, 得到真正的智慧. 相信上帝必使你獲得別人的信任與尊重. 你也將為自己的人生, 打開機會之門.
Earning trust with honesty – 1 John 3:18 Character can go a long way. It is also often mentioned in the Bible, the importance of honesty after doing wrong. Psalm 51:6 “Thou delights in inner honesty. Thou shalt make me wise in my secret place.” ” This is the prayer that the King of Israel, David, confessed to God after he sinned. David admitted his failure before God, and he would not think that it was just a debt to others and that it was okay. Instead, he faced his inner world honestly. This is also the kind of honesty that God loves. It’s not just what we do on the outside. It’s more about the sincerity of our inner motives. Dear friends, everyone can make mistakes, but true wisdom is not hiding, not covering, It’s about being honest. God doesn’t just look at people’s appearance, he understands everything in our hearts. When you are willing to be honest with your failures and face God, God will give you the courage and wisdom to stand up again. Rise up. Bless you today with true wisdom through your honest character. Believe in God that you will gain the trust and respect of others. You will also open doors of opportunity in your own life.