不求回報的給予—-使徒行傳20:35[施比受更為有福.]親愛的朋友, 你曾經幫助過不認識的人嗎? 大多數人可能覺得幫助漠生人我可能得到什麼呢?做善事不是為了得到回報, 而是因為這是正確的事.  新約中的保羅也曾勸勉眾人説”我凡事給你們做榜樣, 叫你們知道應當勞苦扶助軟弱的人, 又當紀念主耶穌的話, 他說施比受更為有福.”  這是當時保羅勸勉眾人應該成為給與的人.  而當我們成為給予的人的時候, 會比我們受恩於人更為快樂, 更為蒙福.  親愛的朋友, 施比受更為有福.  在我們身邊有許多需要我們幫助的人.  有時他所需要的是適時的伸出援手.  有時他所需要的可能只是一個鼓勵的話語.  今天上帝要來鼓勵你, 當你願意與人為善, 真誠待人, 並且開始給予幫助時, 上帝必要使你的人生更加快樂, 讓你獲得用錢也買不到的滿足.

Giving without expecting anything in return – Acts 20:35 [ It is more blessed to give than to receive.] Dear friend, have you ever helped someone you do not know? Most people may feel that I may gain something from helping a stranger Woolen cloth? Doing good deeds is not to be rewarded, but because it is the right thing to do. Paul in the New Testament also exhorted the people, “I set an example for you in all things, so that you know that you should labor and help the weak, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, He said it is more blessed to give than to receive.” This is when Paul exhorted all to be givers. And when we are givers, we are happier and more blessed than we are to receive. Dear Friends, it is more blessed to give than to receive. There are many people around us who need our help. Sometimes all he needs is a helping hand at the right time. Sometimes all he needs may be just a word of encouragement. You, when you are willing to be kind to others, be sincere to others, and begin to help, God will make your life happier and give you satisfaction that money can’t buy.