翻轉人生的好習慣—-箴言4:23”你要保守你的心, 勝過保守一切, 因為一生的果效是由心發出.” 我們日常生活與工作是靠紀律的習慣, 一步一腳印, 實現自己的理想.  親愛的朋友, 習慣是一種經由學習之後, 不假思索就去做的事.  而我們生活就是一種習慣的慣性, 都來自於我們成長的背景及文化.  習慣無論好壞也都會決定我們的未來.  我們應養成好的習慣, 成為自律的人.  哥林多前書10:23 “凡事都可行, 但不都有益處.  凡事都可行, 但不都造就人.” 意思是說我們生命要遠避沒有益處, 不造就人的事物.  我們可以不受到任何壞習慣的挾制.  譬如經常遲到, 爭吵不休, 抱怨. 或是消費過度. 苟且得過且過的心態. 這些都是使自己變成平庸的負面習慣, 會阻礙上帝為我們預備好的上好福份.  親愛的朋友, 如果你想要改變生命, 首先就要改變習慣.  因為習慣會改變你的人生命運.  培養良好的習慣, 初期是會痛苦的. 而成功唯一的途徑就是練習.  長期堅持下來一定會有美好的轉變.  今天是一個嶄新的開始, 上帝已經為你預備了得勝的道路, 當你願意倚靠上帝, 建立起良好的習慣, 以正面的態度面對每一天, 上帝一定要翻轉你的人生, 使你領受上帝賜予你的上好福份.

A good habit to turn your life around – Proverbs 4:23 “You must guard your heart more than anything else, because the results of your life come from your heart.” Our daily life and work depend on the habit of discipline, step by step , to realize one’s own ideals. Dear friends, a habit is something you do without thinking after learning. And our life is the inertia of a habit, which comes from the background and culture in which we grow up. Habits will determine whether they are good or bad. Our future. We should develop good habits and be self-disciplined people. 1 Corinthians 10:23 “All things are possible, but not all things are profitable. All things are possible, but not all things edify.” It means that we Life is to avoid things that are not beneficial and make people. We can be free from any bad habits. For example, being late, arguing, complaining. Or spending too much. Negative habits will hinder the good blessings that God has prepared for us. Dear friends, if you want to change your life, you must first change your habits. Because habits will change your destiny in life. Painful. And the only way to succeed is to practice. Perseverance for a long time will definitely bring a beautiful transformation. Today is a new beginning, God has prepared the way for you to overcome, when you are willing to rely on God and establish good habits, Facing each day with a positive attitude, God must turn your life so that you can receive the best blessings God has bestowed upon you.