從天災人禍的苦境轉回, 逆風高飛—-耶利米書29:11[我向你們所懷的的意念, 是賜平安的意念, 不是降災禍的意念.] 詩篇27:5[我遭遇患難, 他必暗暗保守我.] 在天災人禍的風暴中, 我們相信上帝一定會保守我們非常的平安, 不要害怕, 害怕是最可怕的事情, 人在害怕中會做出非常不理性的事情. 羅馬書8:28[我們曉得萬事都互相效力, 叫愛神的人得益處, 就是按他旨意被召的人.] 當我們態度對的時候. 我們所遭遇的每一件事情, 對我們都是有益處的. 在逆勢中會有恩典. 我們需要逆勢而為, 不是坐等風暴的過去, 要抓緊機會改造體質, 加強牧養. 鼓勵他人就是鼓勵自己, 幫助他人就是幫助自己. 祝福別人就是祝福自己. 實體與虛擬並重. 伸出友誼的手, 給第一線的工作人員掌聲及祝福. 自身的保護要做好, 該負的責任, 就去做好它. 打造健康屬靈的生命. 鍛練屬靈的肌肉. 每天早上高唱得勝的詩歌, 讓心中充滿得勝的喜悅. 每天飽讀聖經的話語, 每天聽聖靈的聲音, 順從聖靈的感動. 將心安正, 除掉屬靈的病毒. 用光明, 善良, 正直與寬容, 處理每件事情. 將彎曲, 詭詐, 苦毒, 貪慾, 從心中趕除. 快樂迎接每一天. 今天是新的早晨, 有新的恩典, 新的祝福, 新的機會, 新的故事, 新的經歷. 新的神蹟. 今天是美好的一天. 透過禱告及行動, 成為一個祝福的泉源.
Turning back from the misery of natural and man-made disasters, and flying against the wind – Jeremiah 29:11 [The thoughts I have for you are thoughts that give peace, not thoughts that bring disaster.] Psalm 27:5 [I have encountered In times of trouble, he will secretly protect me.] In the storm of natural and man-made disasters, we believe that God will keep us very peaceful, do not be afraid, fear is the most terrible thing, people will do very irrational things when they are afraid. Romans 8:28 [We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.] When we have the right attitude . Everything that happens to us is for us. It is beneficial. There will be grace in adversity. We need to go against the trend. Instead of waiting for the storm to pass, we must seize the opportunity to transform our constitution and strengthen shepherding. To encourage others is to encourage ourselves, and to help others is to help ourselves. Bless others It is to bless yourself. Both the physical and the virtual. Extend the hand of friendship and applaud and bless the front-line staff. If you need to do a good job in your own protection, you should take the responsibility and do it well. Create a healthy spiritual life . Exercise the spiritual muscles. Sing the song of victory every morning and fill the heart with the joy of victory. Read the words of the Bible every day, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit every day, and obey the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Handle everything with light, kindness, integrity and forbearance. Drive out crookedness, deceit, bitterness, covetousness, from your heart. Greet each day with joy. Today is a new morning with new graces and new blessings , new opportunities, new stories, new experiences. New miracles. Today is a good day. Be a source of blessings through prayer and action.