給這世界多一點關懷—-箴言19:17[憐憫貧窮的, 就是借給耶和華, 他的善行, 耶和華必償還.]. 生活在地球村的人類, 都是命運共同體. 如果我們看見別人遭難而袖手旁觀, 最後我們必須為自私而付出代價. 詩篇41:1”眷顧貧窮的有福了! 他遭難的日子, 耶和華必搭救他. 耶和華必保全他, 使他存活. 他必在地上享福.” 這段經文把上帝的心意表達出來, 那就是上帝對貧窮人士的憐恤. 而這裏的貧窮包括身體, 心靈的疾病及各方面的缺憾. 上帝非常關懷在患難中軟弱貧窮有需要的人. 所以我們也要有一顆像上帝的心, 體恤貧窮的人. 而當我們這樣做的時候, 上帝也必會大大的賜福我們. 眷顧貧窮的人有福了!讓我們一起對周遭的人事物, 多一點關懷, 多一點付出. 有時可能只是小小的舉動, 將會有一連串的後續效力. 幫助別人也就是幫助自己. 相信當你願意在生活中擔任眷顧人幫助人的角色時, 上帝必要賜下天上的能力, 大大的賜福你, 使你可以在地上得享祝福, 社會會因著你而更加溫暖. 哥林多前書13:7-8”凡事包容, 凡事相信, 凡事盼望, 凡事忍耐. 愛是永不止息.” 這是關懷世界的基本法則.
Give the world a little more care – Proverbs 19:17 [He who is merciful to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will repay his good deeds.]. Human beings living in the global village are a community of destiny. If we see others suffering and suffering Stand by, and in the end we must pay the price for selfishness. Psalm 41:1 “Blessed is the one who takes care of the poor! The Lord will deliver him in the day of his trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive. He will be blessed on earth.” This passage To express God’s will, that is God’s compassion for the poor. Poverty here includes physical and mental illness and defects in all aspects. God cares very much for those who are weak and needy in affliction. Therefore, we must also have a A heart like God is sympathetic to the poor. And when we do this, God will greatly bless us. Blessed are the poor! Let us be more caring and giving to the people and things around us. Sometimes it may be just a small act, and there will be a series of follow-up effects. Helping others is also helping yourself. I believe that when you are willing to take care of your life When people help people, God will give you the power of heaven to greatly bless you, so that you can enjoy blessings on earth, and the society will be warmer because of you. 1 Corinthians 13:7-8” Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” This is the basic law of caring for the world.