行動成就美好人生—-雅各書2:14,17[我的弟兄們, 若有人說自話己有信心, 卻沒有行為, 有甚麼益處呢? 這信心能救他嗎?信心若沒有行為就是死的.] 如果我們經常懷恨在心, 常對他人充滿敵意, 或是常對未來悲觀消極, 經過一段時間後, 我們的面容一定變得憔悴不堪.  相反的, 經常微笑, 努力工作, 享受每一天的人, 或常懷寬恕之心, 他的面容即會容光渙發.  這不是強調容貌與面相, 而是強調信心與良善行動的重要. 所謂誠於中形於外.  良善行動是成功的開始.  出埃及記3:17”要將你們從埃及的困苦中領出來…就是到流奶與蜜之地.” 迦南美地有位置之美, 氣候之美, 風景之美, 出產之美, 名勝之美, 選民之美, 應許之美.  但以色列人在曠野漂流了四十年, 才在剛強壯膽的約書亞帶領下, 抬起約櫃, 用信心, 採取行動, 踏入約旦河, 走出新的道路, 新的策略, 新的委身, 新的信心, 新的盼望.  約書亞記第三章.  我們的人生要有所得, 要得到上帝賜予的產業, 我們必須有信心的行動.  上帝應許你有一個豐盛美好的人生, 我們也要像以色列人一樣, 抬著約櫃出發, 進入迦南美地.  今天鼓勵你, 開始朝著上帝的應許之地, 認真過每一天. 以行動成就美好人生.  信心與行動是一體的兩面.  雅各書1:22, 25”只是你們要行道. 不要單單聽道, 自己欺哄自己.  惟有詳細察看那全備, 使人自由之律法的, 並且時常如此, 這人既不是聽了就忘, 乃是實在行出來, 就在他所行的事上必然得福.”

Actions make a good life – James 2:14, 17 [My brethren, what is the profit of a man who speaks his word and has faith, but has no works? Will this faith save him? Faith without deeds is dead.] If we are always holding grudges, are always hostile to others, or are always pessimistic and negative about the future, after a period of time, our faces must become haggard. On the contrary, smile often, work hard A person who works, enjoys every day, or always has a heart of forgiveness, his face will be bright. This is not to emphasize appearance and appearance, but to emphasize the importance of faith and good deeds. Good deeds are the beginning of success. Exodus 3:17 “To bring you out of the afflictions of Egypt…to a land flowing with milk and honey.” The good land of Canaan has the beauty of the location, the beauty of the climate, the beauty of the scenery, the beauty of its fruit The beauty, the beauty of the place, the beauty of the elect, the beauty of the promise. But the Israelites drifted in the wilderness for forty years, and under the leadership of the strong and courageous Joshua, they lifted the ark, took action by faith, stepped into the Jordan, and walked out A new way, a new strategy, a new commitment, a new faith, a new hope. Joshua Chapter 3. In order to gain something in life, to receive a God-given inheritance, we must act with faith. God I promise you a prosperous and beautiful life , and like the Israelites, we will carry the ark of the covenant and set out into the good land of Canaan. I encourage you today to start moving towards God’s promised land and live every day seriously. Act to achieve good Life. Faith and deeds are two sides of one. James 1:22, 25″ But do the word. Do not listen to the word, and deceive yourselves. But those who look closely at the perfect law of liberty, and always do so , this man does not forget what he hears, but does it, and he will be blessed in what he does.”