領受長闊高深的愛—-路加福音11:11-12[你們中間作父親的, 誰有兒子求餅, 反給他石頭呢?求魚, 反拿蛇當魚給他呢?求鷄蛋, 反給他蠍子呢?你們雖不好, 尚且知道拿好東西給兒女, 何況天父, 豈不更將聖靈/好東西, 給求他的人嗎?] 世間的父母對子女長闊高深的愛是不容置疑的, 父母並不完美, 但對子女的愛, 不論用何種方式, 都是值得理解與肯定的. 父母的愛可比天高, 也可比海深. 更何況是天上的父呢?申命紀4:31”耶和華, 你神原是有憐憫的神, 他總不撇下你, 不滅絕你, 也不忘記他起誓與你列祖所立的約.” 在以色列民離開奴役他們的埃及人之後, 踏上曠野之路. 朝著上帝為他們預備的迦南美地前進. 在還沒有到達迦南美地的前四十年的曠野生活中, 上帝降下螞哪作為糧食. 這四十年顯示出上帝對以色列民的愛. 親愛的弟兄姊妹, 人生能有幾個四十年?你是否也找尋這長闊高深的愛?上帝沒有因為忙碌而忘記降下螞哪, 也沒有因為以色列民不斷犯罪惹動上帝的怒氣, 就違背與以色列民所立下的約定. 這就是我們的上帝. 當你還在母親的肚子裏的時候, 上帝就已經認識你. 不論你本質如何, 上帝都不介意. 因為上帝接納你的本象. 今天上帝要來祝福你, 給你一份絕對的愛, 當你懷疑自我價值時, 可以來到上帝的面前, 上帝會視你為珍寶, 你因此會活出豐盛的生命. 以弗所書4:14-19”因此, 我在父面前屈膝, 求他按著他豐盛的榮耀, 藉著他的靈, 叫你們心裏的力量剛強起來. 使基督因你們的信, 住在你們心裏. 叫你們的愛心有根有基, 能夠以和眾聖徒一同明白基督的愛是何等長闊高深!並知道這愛是過於人所能測度的, 便叫神一切所充滿的, 充滿了你們.”
Receive love long, wide and high and deep – Luke 11:11-12 [Fathers among you, if any son asks for bread, will he give him a stone? If he asks for a fish, will he give him a snake as a fish instead? Ask for eggs, but give him scorpions instead? Although you are not good, if you know how to give good things to your children, how much more will the Father not give the Holy Spirit/good things to those who ask him? ] The love of parents for their children is unquestionable. Parents are not perfect, but their love for their children is worthy of understanding and affirmation in any way. Parents’ love is as high as the sky and comparable to The depths of the sea. How much more the Father in heaven? Deuteronomy 4:31 “The Lord , your God is a merciful God; he will never leave you, nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant which he swore with your fathers.” After the Egyptians, they set out on the road to the wilderness. They headed towards the beautiful land of Canaan that God had prepared for them. During the first forty years of life in the wilderness before reaching the good land of Canaan, God sent down ant as food. These forty years Showing God’s love for Israel. Dear brothers and sisters, how many forty years can life be? Are you also looking for this long, wide, high and deep love? God did not forget to send ants because he was busy, nor did he break the covenant he made with the children of Israel because they kept sinning and provoked God’s anger. This is our God. When you were still in your mother’s womb , God already knows you. No matter what your nature is, God doesn’t mind. Because God accepts you as you are. Today, God will come to bless you and give you an absolute love. When you doubt your self-worth, you can come In the presence of God, God will see you as a treasure, and by this you will live an abundant life. Ephesians 4:14-19” Therefore, I bow my knees before the Father, asking him, according to the abundance of his glory, through him the Spirit of God, that you may be strengthened with strength in your hearts, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through your faith, that your love may be rooted and grounded, that you may, with all the saints, understand the length, breadth, height, and depth of the love of Christ! This love is beyond all comprehension, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”