看具更美好的未來—-哥林多前書2:9[上帝為愛他的人所預備的, 是眼睛未曾看見, 耳朵未曾聽見, 人心也未曾想到的.]將目標可視化, 產生情感, 動力也隨之提升. 也就是説同樣的訊息, 若是透過文字, 或口語表達, 72個小時之後, 大多數人只記住10%的內容. 若是以畫面呈現, 人們的記憶度將提高至75%. 親愛的朋友, 該如何持續不斷的向目標邁進, 很重要的一點, 就是要將目標看的見. 人一生的成就不會比他想得到的更大. 如果你無法想像, 如果你無法看見, 事情就永遠無法發生. 創世記13:14-15耶和華對亞伯拉罕説[從你所在的地方, 你舉目向東西南北觀看. 凡你所看見的一切地, 我都要賜給你和你的後裔, 直到永遠.] 在這段話裡, 上帝向亞伯拉罕揭露了一個人生的祕密, 就是看見與得到的關係. 我們都希望得到, 我們都希望人生有所成就. 但是聖經告訴我們, 你要得著, 你要先看見. 在達成目的之前, 我們能先看見. 不論是肉眼的看見, 或是心眼的看見, 這代表我們內心的渴望. 也是我們不斷前進動力的來源. 今天願上帝給你一個信心的眼光, 使你在信心裏先看見目標, 實現的模樣. 上帝也必帶領你步步成就, 使你的人生有全新的可能.
Seeing a better future – 1 Corinthians 2:9 [Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, and hearts have not conceived of what God has prepared for those who love him.] Visualize goals, generate emotions , the motivation also increases. That is to say, if the same information is expressed through text or oral language, after 72 hours, most people only remember 10% of the content. If it is presented in pictures, people’s memory will increase to 75%. My dear friend, how to continuously move towards the goal, it is very important to see the goal. The achievement of a person’s life will not be greater than what he wants to achieve. If you can’t imagine, if you can’t See, and things will never happen. Genesis 13:14-15 The LORD said to Abraham, “From where you are, lift up your eyes to the east, west, north and south. All the land that you see, I will give to you and your Descendants, forever.] In this passage, God revealed to Abraham a secret of life, which is the relationship between seeing and receiving. We all want to get, we all want to have something in life. But the Bible tells us, you want to get You have to see first. Before we can achieve our goals, we can see first. Whether it is with the naked eye or with the eyes of the heart, it represents the desire of our hearts. It is also the source of our continuous progress. May God give you a The vision of faith enables you to first see the goal and the realization of the goal in faith. God will also lead you to achieve step by step, so that your life has a new possibility.