教養兒女的智慧—-箴言22:6[教養孩童, 使他走當行的道, 就是到老他也不偏離.] 面對兒女的夢想, 不但不會嗤之以鼻, 也不會放任不顧.  而是用自己特別的方式幫助兒女實現夢想.  不但要顧及孩子的自尊, 也要讓孩子樂意接受目標.  最終培養出優秀又高自我形象的孩子.  教養孩童是一切教育的根本, 家庭教育更是成功教育之母.  一個國家的根基, 就在於好的家庭教育.  家庭的強弱將反應每一個國家的競爭力.  教導孩子絕非容易之事, 更加需要從上帝而來的智慧.  今天上帝要來鼓勵為了人父母者, 只要你呼求祂的幫助, 祂必賜給你養育孩童的智慧, 使他們走上, 上帝所賜蒙福恩典的道路上.

Wisdom in raising children – Proverbs 22:6 [Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.] Facing the dreams of children, not only will they not sneer, but they will not let them go. And It is to help children realize their dreams in their own special way. Not only should the child’s self-esteem be taken into account, but also the child should be willing to accept the goal. In the end, children with excellent and high self-image will be cultivated. Raising children is the foundation of all education, and family education is even more successful The mother of education. The foundation of a country lies in a good family education. The strength of the family will reflect the competitiveness of each country. Teaching children is not easy, and it requires wisdom from God. Today God wants to encourage For parents, if you call on His help, He will give you the wisdom to raise your children, and set them on the path of God’s blessed grace.