但以理披麻蒙灰—-但以理書9:2[就是他在位第一年, 我但以理從書上得知耶和華的話臨到先知耶利米, 論耶路撒冷荒涼的年數, 七十年為滿. 我便禁食, 披麻蒙灰, 定意向主神祈禱懇求.]但以理在以色列民被擄至巴比倫第67年/公元前538年的時候, 從耶利米書25章11, 12節及29章第10節得知耶路撒冷聖殿荒涼, 還有三年即將結束. 因為耶和華告訴耶利米, 以色列民在巴比倫經歷70年俘虜生活後, 必重新回歸以色列的聖殿. 這是耶利米根據耶和華的應許, 所作的的預言. 宗教性的禁食通常與向神懇求有關, 其原則是所求之事重要到一個地步, 懇求者集中精神於屬靈景況上, 肉身需要則退居幕後. 如此, 禁食為使人淨化, 在神面前謙卑而設. 詩篇69:10[我哭泣, 以禁食刻苦我心, 這倒算為我的羞辱.]為表示認罪悔過, 披麻蒙灰常伴隨禁食與哭泣. 頭蒙泥土, 灰麈, 爐灰都是哀悼的典型表示. 頭蒙灰塵象徵埋葬和腐朽. 麻衣是用山羊, 駱駝毛或植物的纖維所織造. 分為粗麻及細麻, 各有屬靈的含義.耶和華既已應許, 為何但以理向神祈禱懇求? 除因信稱義外, 認罪悔改和歸向神是支取神應許的必要條件. 禁食, 披麻, 蒙灰表明一個人在神面前真心悔改, 求神施憐憫. 約拿書3:5-6, 以斯帖記4:1. 馬太福音16:19耶穌説[我要把天國的鑰匙給你, 凡你在地上所捆綁的, 在天上也要捆綁. 凡你在地上所釋放的, 在天上也要釋放.] 因此但以理[禁食, 披麻蒙灰, 定意向主神祈禱懇求]是支取神應許的必要條件, 也是解除地上捆綁, 進入天國的鑰匙.
Daniel was in sackcloth and ashes – Daniel 9:2 [In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, learned from a book that the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning the years of Jerusalem’s desolation, seven When ten years were completed, I fasted, sackcloth, and ashes, and made up my mind to pray and supplication to the Lord God.] Daniel, in the 67th year of the captivity of the Israelites in Babylon/538 BC, reads from Jeremiah 25 Verses 11, 12 and Chapter 29 Verse 10 tell us that the desolation of the temple in Jerusalem will end in three years. This is because the Lord told Jeremiah that the Israelites will return to the temple of Israel after experiencing 70 years of captivity in Babylon. This It is a prophecy made by Jeremiah based on the promise of Jehovah. Religious fasting is usually related to petitioning God. The principle is that the thing requested is so important that the petitioner concentrates on the spiritual situation and physical needs. Then it recedes into the background. In this way, fasting is designed to purify people and humble them before God. Psalm 69:10 [I weep, and it is my shame to grieve my heart with fasting, and it is my shame.] To express confession and repentance, wear Linen and ashes are often accompanied by fasting and weeping. Covering the head with mud, ashes, and ashes are typical expressions of mourning. Covering the head with dust symbolizes burial and decay. Linen is woven from goat, camel hair or plant fibers. It is divided into Coarse linen and fine linen each have spiritual meanings. Since Jehovah has promised, why did Daniel pray to God? In addition to being justified by faith, repentance and turning to God are necessary conditions for claiming God’s promises. Fasting, sackcloth, and ashes show that a person sincerely repented before God and asked God for mercy. Jonah 3:5-6 , Esther 4:1. Matthew 16:19 Jesus said, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth will be bound in heaven.” Heaven will also be released.] Therefore, Daniel’s [fasting, sackcloth, and ashes, and determined prayer and supplication to the Lord God] are the necessary conditions for claiming God’s promises, and are also the key to breaking the bonds on earth and entering the kingdom of heaven.