活出不受限的人生—-以弗所書3:20[神能照著運行在我們心𥚃的大力, 充充足足的成就一切, 超過我們所求所想的.]我們必須先有所想, 有所求, 然後上帝才會將超過我們所求所想的賜給我們. 我們所求的不只是環境的亨通, 所想的不只是世界間的福樂, 所應追求的乃是屬靈的成就和工作的推動. 上帝在我們內心運行的是復活的能力, 我們若依循著它, 便會在我們身上產生無比的果效. 你是否活到老學到老, 心懷大志嗎?在聖經中當以色人到迦南地時, 他們需要與當地人爭戰. 有一個人叫迦樂, 當時他已高齡85歲. 他向以色列的領䄂約書亞說, 請把希伯崙給我. 希伯崙是整個迦南地最難攻打的地方. 希伯崙被打下來, 國中就太平了. 但年老的迦樂並不看自己的年紀. 反而心懷大志. 而上帝也幫助他順利攻下希伯崙. 約書亞記14:13-14; 民數記14:24. 當我們年老時, 我們仍需不斷的學習. 在生活的各各領域效法迦樂. 老了不應該自我設限, 上帝在我們每個人身上, 都有無限的可能. 今天鼓勵你, 不要因年紀與其他外在條件而限制自己. 上帝必定幫助你提升, 使你有能力一天比一天活的更加精彩.
Live a life without limitations – Ephesians 3:20 [God is able to do more than abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.] We must first have We have to ask for what we want, and then God will give us more than what we ask or imagine. What we ask for is not just prosperity in the environment, what we think about is not just happiness in the world, what we should pursue is Spiritual achievement and work promotion. What God operates in our hearts is the power of resurrection. If we follow it, it will produce incomparable results in us. Do you live to learn and have great ambitions? In the Bible, when the Israelites came to the land of Canaan, they needed to fight with the local people. There was a man named Caleb, who was 85 years old at the time. He said to Joshua, the leader of Israel, please give Hebron to I. Hebron is the most difficult place to attack in the entire land of Canaan. After Hebron was captured, the country became peaceful. But the old Caleb did not look at his age. Instead, he had great ambitions. And God also helped. He successfully captured Hebron. Joshua 14:13-14; Numbers 14:24. When we are old, we still need to continue to learn. Imitate Gaal in all areas of life. When we are old You should not set limits on yourself. God has unlimited possibilities for each of us. Today I encourage you not to limit yourself because of your age or other external conditions. God will definitely help you improve and enable you to live better day by day. More exciting.