生命的傳承—-箴言22:6[教養孩童, 使他走當行的道, 就是到老也不偏離.]此節經文重點在於強調父母的機會與責任.  父母絕對有必要在孩童幼兒期, 就以上帝的話語, 教導子女正確的價值觀, 養成完善的生活態度.  父母養育子女應加以適當的教導和管束.  “當行的道” 是照著子女的個性來潛移默化, 但不可放縱.  教養孩童事關生命的傳𠄘, 是人生永恆計劃的一部份, 應戒慎恐懼, 不可輕忽.  傳道書3:17[神造萬物, 各按其時成為美好, 又將永生安置在世人心裏.]這是教養子女至高至上的指導原則.  哥林多前書11:1[你們該效法我, 像我效法基督一樣.]聖經裏的教育是榜様示範的教育.  耶穌責備法利賽人把難擔的重擔捆起來櫊在人的肩上, 但自己一個指頭都不肯動.  他們能說不能行.  這種教育是沒有果效的.  父母生活教育的程度愈高, 孩子的心性與行為愈良好.  而理性思考, 創新能力, 情緒控制能力, 這些都是子女長成後所需具備的人格特質.  這些需要父母的參與.  解決問題的能力不是從教科書學到的, 而是遇到挫折與挑戰, 才會有機會去面對去處理.  身教是最好的教育.  我們所做的才是對子女有真正的影響力.  你對子女最大的祝福是你生命的榜樣.  願上帝賜給你教育的智慧, 使你知道如何引導子女的一生.  使你與子女的關係越加緊密, 充滿著愛與祝福.

The inheritance of life – Proverbs 22:6 [Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.] The focus of this verse is to emphasize the opportunities and responsibilities of parents. It is absolutely necessary for parents to educate their children in their early childhood. , use God’s words to teach their children correct values ​​and develop a perfect attitude towards life. Parents should provide appropriate teaching and discipline when raising their children. The “way to walk” is to be instilled in children according to their personality, but they must not be indulged in upbringing. Children are involved in the inheritance of life and are part of the eternal plan of life. They should be cautious and fearful and should not be ignored. Ecclesiastes 3:17 [God created all things and made them beautiful in their own time, and He has placed eternal life in the hearts of people. ] This is the supreme guiding principle for raising children. 1 Corinthians 11:1 [Be imitators of me, as I imitate Christ.] Biblical education is education by example. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for Unbearable burdens are tied up and placed on people’s shoulders, but they are unwilling to move a finger. They can say it but cannot do it. This kind of education is ineffective. The higher the level of life education of parents, the better the children’s temperament and behavior. The better. And rational thinking, innovation ability, and emotional control ability, these are the personality traits that children need to have when they grow up. These require the participation of parents. The ability to solve problems is not learned from textbooks, but from setbacks. and challenges, you will have the opportunity to face and deal with them. Teaching by example is the best education. What we do is the real influence on our children. Your greatest blessing to your children is the example of your life. May God give The wisdom of your education enables you to know how to guide your children throughout their lives. This makes the relationship between you and your children closer and full of love and blessings.