創造永恆的價值—- 路加福6:38[你們要給人, 就必有給你們的, 並且用十足的升斗, 連搖帶按, 上尖下流地倒在你們懷裡.] 我們必須先待人以恩, 才能指望神恩待我們. 得豐富的祕訣乃是給人. 要豐富, 就得給. 要貧窮, 就可保留. 世人理財的原則是量入為出. 基督徒理財的原則是量出為入. 多給的多得, 少給的少得. 一個美好的生命品格會帶來長久的影響力. 你希望你的生命具有永恆的價值嗎?每一個都僅此一生, 你希望你的人生怎様度過呢?因為無私奉獻的心志, 可以為生命留下永恆的價值. 擁有華麗的外在是一時的, 是短暫的, 是隨著時間的流逝而消失的. 但是擁有高尚的品格, 無私奉獻的心志, 樂於助人的善心, 卻能在你的生命中留下永恆的價值, 並且加倍祝福你的生命. 使徒行傳20:35[施比受更有福.]得到祝福的祕訣就是給予. 你開始成為一位給予的人的時候, 上帝會加倍的祝福你的生命, 使你成為一位具有影響力的人. 給予其實很簡單, 一句簡單問候, 雪中送炭的關心, 一杯熱咖啡, 每一個小小的給予, 在上帝的手中都能成為極大的祝福. 今天讓我們一起學習成為給予的人, 不僅經歷施比受更為有福的恩典, 在給予的行動中, 为你的生命創造永恆的價值.
Create eternal value – Luke 6:38 [Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure, shaken and pressed, with the top and bottom running down, will be poured into your arms.] We must We must first be kind to others before we can expect God to be kind to us. The secret to getting rich is to give to others. If you want to be rich, you have to give. If you want to be poor, keep it. The principle of people’s financial management is to live within their means. The principle of Christian financial management is to live within their means. For income. Those who give more will get more, those who give less will get less. A beautiful life character will bring long-lasting influence. Do you hope that your life will have eternal value? Everyone only has this life. How do you want to spend your life? Because the intention of selfless dedication can leave eternal value in life. Having a gorgeous appearance is temporary, short-lived, and disappears with the passage of time. But having a noble character and the intention of selfless dedication, you are willing to The kindness of helping others can leave eternal value in your life and double the blessings in your life. Acts 20:35 [It is more blessed to give than to receive.] The secret to receiving blessings is to give. You begin to become a When you give to others, God will bless your life double and make you an influential person. Giving is actually very simple, a simple greeting, a helping hand in times of need, a cup of hot coffee, every little giving, Everything can become a great blessing in the hands of God. Today, let us learn to be a giving person. Not only will you experience the grace of giving which is more blessed than receiving, but in the act of giving, you will create eternal value for your life.