經久不衰的幸福密碼—-詩篇30:5b[上帝的恩典乃是一生之久, 一宿雖然有哭泣, 早晨便必歡呼.]這是大衛抒發他的無限感恩知足, 而成為千古傳誦的名句. 如果你是傑出者, 你可透過拼搏, 獲取事業的成功. 如果你是平凡人, 可以透過修錬內心, 昇華慾望而獲得幸福. 全靠物質支撐的幸福感, 無法持久, 都會隨著物質的離去而隨風而逝. 唯獨心靈淡定寜靜, 所產生的身心愉悅, 才是幸福真正的泉源. 雖然一時的功成名就, 能帶給人幸福. 但這些都會成為過往雲煙. 唯有知足感恩, 選擇快樂才是歷久不哀的幸福密碼. 詩篇118:24[這是耶和華所定的日子, 我們在其中高興歡喜.]耶和華所定的日子, 有許多不同的解讀. 上帝沒有說明天會歡喜快樂, 也沒有說功成名就才會歡喜快樂. 上帝所說的是就是這個日子, 就是今天. 上帝要我們今天就歡喜快樂, 憂愁不要過夜, 天一亮萬物欣欣向榮, 是何等的欣喜快樂. 我們不要將上帝賜給我們的一切, 視為理所當然. 要帶著一顆感恩的心去領受. 學習去欣賞上帝給我們的生活. 欣賞每一件事情的光明面. 學習在現在的位置上歡喜快樂. 環境不是問題的關鍵所在. 我們要學習快樂自處. 學習感恩知足. 欣賞現在上帝給我們的一切. 今天也許你還沒有成為你希望的自己. 還沒有擁有你渴望的東西. 但是當你倚靠上帝學會知足感恩, 你就抓住了幸福密碼. 上帝必會賜福你, 不論在任何情況下, 都能歡喜快樂.
The enduring code of happiness—Psalm 30:5b [God’s grace lasts a lifetime, and although there may be weeping for a night, there will be joy in the morning.] This is David’s expression of his infinite gratitude and contentment, which has been passed down through the ages. Famous saying. If you are an outstanding person, you can achieve career success through hard work. If you are an ordinary person, you can achieve happiness by cultivating your heart and sublimating your desires. Happiness that relies solely on material support cannot last and will be destroyed. With the departure of material things, they pass away with the wind. Only the calmness of the mind and the physical and mental pleasure produced are the real sources of happiness. Although temporary success and fame can bring people happiness, these will become the smoke of the past. Only being content with gratitude and choosing joy is the secret code of happiness that lasts forever. Psalm 118:24 [This is the day the Lord has made, and we rejoice in it.] There are many different interpretations of the day the Lord has made. God does not say what tomorrow will be like. You will be happy and happy, and it did not say that you will be happy and happy only if you become successful. What God said is this day, today. God wants us to be happy and happy today, and not to spend the night worrying. When the day breaks, everything will be prosperous. How happy and happy we are. Don’t take what God has given us for granted. Receive it with a grateful heart. Learn to appreciate the life God has given us. Appreciate the bright side of everything. Learn to be happy where you are now. . The environment is not the key to the problem. We must learn to be happy with ourselves. Learn to be grateful and content. Appreciate everything God has given us now. Today maybe you have not become the person you want to be. You do not have what you desire. But when you rely on If you learn to be content and grateful to God, you will have grasped the code of happiness. God will surely bless you, and you will be able to be happy no matter what the circumstances.