寡婦兩個小錢的奉獻—-路加福音21:1-4[耶穌抬頭觀看, 見財主把捐項投在庫裏, 又見一個窮寡婦投了兩個小錢, 就說:”我實在告訴你們:這窮寡婦所投的比眾人還多, 因為眾人都是自己有餘, 拿出來來投在捐項裏; 但這寡婦是自己不足, 把她一切養生的投上了.]長久以來, 許多基督徒把這段經文理解為奉獻的信心, 認為我們應當學習這窮寡婦的奉獻, 即便自己已經一貧如洗, 仍然要把自己手上的一切奉獻.  但這樣的理解忽略了經文的上下文與當時猶太聖殿文化背景.  事實上, 耶穌要說的是宗教領袖祭司與利未人的巧取豪奪, 才是讓這位寡婦無法生存的重要關鍵.  路加福音20:47[他們侵吞寡婦的家產, 假意作很長的禱告.  這些人要受到更重的刑罰. ]宗教領袖徒有敬虔的外貌, 卻以信仰之名行剝奪之實.  而在寡婦兩個小錢奉獻的段落之後, 耶穌特別義正嚴辭嚴的提出21:5-6[有人談論聖殿是用美石和供物裝飾的, 耶穌說:”論到你們所看見的这一切, 將來日子到了, 在這裹沒有一塊石頭留在石頭上不被拆毀了.] 反應出本當幫助他人的宗教組織, 卻用美石和供物裝飾聖殿, 使一個寡婦窮到只剩下兩個小錢.  神職人員的錯誤, 就是在眾人可見之處表現的非常敬虔, 卻忽視了那更重要[愛人如己]的教導.  耶穌所看重的奉獻是一顆真誠的心, 看我們用什麼心態在奉獻, 也在看神職人員是否能做一位有為有守善良的管家.  奉獻兩個小錢的寡婦生長在羅馬人統治的黑暗時代, 生活在祭司, 文士的貪腐時代.  她的人生充滿了坎柯, 面對黑暗欺壓的環境, 她毫無保留的奉獻一切.  耶路撒冷的聖殿花了46年建造, 直到公元63年才完工, 但七年後就被提多哈燒毀.  經文中所說的[將來的日子到了]是指公元72年聖殿被拆毀的日子, 並非彼得後書3:10[主的日子要像賊來到一樣…地和其上的物都要燒盡了.]存留下來的猶太人不准再進耶路撒冷.  耶穌對聖殿拆毀作出準確的預言.  拆毀的聖殿是猶太人永遠的痛, 因為只剩下一面西牆/哭牆.  猶太人不得其門而入, 為哭牆哀哭了1900年. 他們被驅趕, 被遺忘, 被排擠, 被逼迫, 被屠殺, 被取代.  但由於上帝的恩典. 他們終於回來了.

The widow’s donation of two small coins—Luke 21:1-4 [Jesus looked up and saw the rich man putting the donation into the treasury, and also seeing a poor widow throwing two small coins into the treasury, and he said, “Truly I say to you, : This poor widow gave more than all the others, for all of them gave out of their abundance and threw in their contributions; but this widow out of her poverty gave in all she had to live on.] Over a long period of time, many Christians Christians understand this passage as a faith of dedication, thinking that we should learn from the donation of this poor widow. Even if we are already penniless, we still have to give everything we have. But this understanding ignores the context of the passage and the Jewish temple at that time. Cultural background. In fact, what Jesus was going to say was that the plundering by the religious leaders, the priests and the Levites was the key to the widow’s inability to survive. Luke 20:47 [They robbed the widow of her property, pretending to make a long Prayers. These people will be punished even more severely.] Religious leaders have a pious appearance, but in fact they deprive themselves of money in the name of faith. After the passage about the widow’s donation of two small coins, Jesus spoke particularly righteously and sternly. Proposal 21:5-6 [Some people were talking about how the temple was decorated with beautiful stones and offerings. Jesus said, “Concerning all these you see, the days are coming when not one stone will be left standing in it that will not be torn down.” .] It reflects that a religious organization that is supposed to help others decorates the temple with beautiful stones and offerings, leaving a widow so poor that she only has two small coins left. The mistake of the clergy is to show great piety in a visible place, but ignore it. We understand the more important teaching of “Love your neighbor as yourself”. The dedication that Jesus values ​​is a sincere heart. It depends on the mentality we use when giving, and it also depends on whether the clergy can be a responsible and kind steward. The widow who donated two small coins grew up in the Dark Ages ruled by the Romans, and lived in the corrupt era of priests and scribes. Her life was full of Kanco, and in the face of the dark and oppressive environment, she dedicated everything without reservation. Jerusalem’s The temple took 46 years to build and was not completed until 63 AD, but it was burned down by Tidoha seven years later. The “future days have come” mentioned in the scripture refers to the day when the temple was demolished in 72 AD, not Peter’s 2 Joshua 3:10 [The day of the Lord will come like a thief…the earth and everything in it will be burned up.] The remaining Jews will not be allowed to enter Jerusalem anymore. Jesus accurately predicted the destruction of the temple. Destruction The Temple is an eternal pain for the Jews because there is only one Western Wall/Wailing Wall left. The Jews were not allowed to enter and mourned the Wailing Wall for 1900 years. They were driven out, forgotten, excluded, persecuted, and Massacred, replaced. But by the grace of God. They finally came back.