重生的印証—-羅馬書6:4[所以我們借著洗禮歸入死, 和祂一同埋葬, 原是叫我們一舉一動有新生的様式, 像基督借著父的榮耀, 從死里復活一様.]有一間精神病醫院判斷病人是否適合合出院的方法非常的奇特, 院方會把這些看似適合出院的人, 帶到一個房間, 房間內放了一個水桶和水, 一支拖把放在旁邊.  因水龍頭沒關上, 所以水不斷的流下, 水滿流出桶外.  每個病人輪流進入房間, 醫護人員會把拖把交給他, 並請他把地上的水拖乾淨.  那個人如果不會先將水龍頭關上, 不管他怎樣的賣力的拖, 地上的水還是不會乾, 這樣就代表他的精神病尚未好.  如果他會先將水關掉, 再去拖地, 就表示他已痊癒, 可以出院了.  要如何評定我們是真正得救呢?生活中理應活出基督的生命和様式來, 生活的見證是最有利的說明. 一個真正重生的基督徒, 不單是切斷過去罪的捆綁, 也知道靠主過得勝的生活.  我們在天上的父, 感謝讚美祢, 祢是我們的救主, 賜給我們重生的新生命, 祢是我們生命的主宰, 我們的人生才活得有意義.  求主幫助我們時時檢查自己, 不落入撒但的網羅中, 要行在祢的真道上, 生命由裏到外都改變, 有新生的樣式, 良好的生活見証, 印証祢在我們身上的救恩和恩典. 讓我們的生命榮耀祢的聖名.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名.  阿們!

The seal of rebirth – Romans 6:4 [Therefore we were buried with Him by baptism into death, in order that in every act we should have newness of life, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father.様.] There is a psychiatric hospital that uses a very strange method to determine whether patients are suitable for discharge. The hospital will bring these people who seem suitable for discharge to a room. There is a bucket and water in the room, and a mop is placed in the room. Next to it. Because the faucet was not closed, the water continued to flow down, and the water flowed out of the bucket. Each patient entered the room in turn, and the medical staff would give him the mop and ask him to mop the water on the floor clean. If that person does not know how to Turn off the faucet first. No matter how hard he mops, the water on the floor still won’t dry. This means that his mental illness has not yet recovered. If he can turn off the water first and then mop the floor, it means that he has recovered. We can be discharged from the hospital. How can we judge whether we are truly saved? The life and style of Christ should be lived out in life, and the testimony of life is the most beneficial explanation. A truly reborn Christian not only cuts off the bondage of past sins, but also knows how to live a victorious life by relying on the Lord. Our Father in Heaven , thank you and praise you, you are our savior, you have given us a new life of rebirth, you are the master of our life, so that our life can be meaningful. Please help us to always check ourselves and not fall into the trap of Satan. In the snare, we must walk in your true way, and our lives will be changed from the inside out, with a new style, and good life testimonies, confirming your salvation and grace on us. Let our lives glorify your holy name. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!