面對毀謗—-彼得前書3:9[不以惡報惡, 以辱駡還辱罵, 倒要祝福. 因你們是為此蒙召, 好叫你們承受福氣.]箴言18:21[生死在舌頭的權下, 喜愛它的, 必吃它所結的果子.]詩篇34:14[要離惡行善, 尋求和睦, 一心追趕.]馬太福音5:9[使人和睦的人有福了, 因為他們必稱為神的兒子.]一位哲學大師曾經一段時期, 經常遭到一個狂徒的嫉妒和謾罵. 對此, 大師一直心平氣和, 沈默不語. 一天, 那人駡累了, 大師笑著走過去問”朋友, 當一個人送東西給你, 你不接受, 那麼這東西是屬於誰的呢?” 這人不假思索答”當然是送的人自己的了.” 大師說”那就對了. 到今天為止, 你一直在駡, 如果我不接受你的謾駡, 那謾駡不是屬於於你自己了嗎?” 那人啞口無言, 此後再也不駡了. 我們生活中有時難免會遭遇惡意的誹謗, 謾罵和攻擊, 有智慧的應對, 或採取沈默, 避免以惡報惡, 乃是明智之舉. 親愛的天父, 祢賜給我們祢的話語, 做我們生命的指南, 指引我們遵行祢的道, 活出豐盛的生命. 我們每天都要面對許多人際關係, 也很容易在言語上跌倒. 求主幫助我們, 有屬靈的智慧和忍耐, 遇到有人批評, 辱罵或攻擊. 我們能克制自己的言語. 不以辱駡還辱罵, 倒要祝福. 因為我們本是為此蒙召, 活出得勝的生命. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Facing Slander – 1 Peter 3:9 [Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but rather bless, for to this you were called, that you might inherit a blessing.] Proverbs 18:21 [Life and death are in the balance. It is under the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.] Psalm 34:14 [Turn away evil and do good, seek peace, and pursue it with all your heart.] Matthew 5:9 [Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.] A master of philosophy was once often jealous and abused by a fanatic. In this regard, the master remained calm and silent. One day, when the man was tired of scolding, the master laughed. He walked over and asked, “Friend, when someone gives you something and you don’t accept it, then who does it belong to?” The man answered without thinking, “Of course it belongs to the person who gave it.” The master said, “That’s right.” Until today, you have been scolding me. If I don’t accept your scolding, wouldn’t the scolding belong to you?” The man was speechless and never scolded him again. Sometimes in our lives, it is inevitable that When encountering malicious slander, abuse and attacks, it is wise to respond wisely, or to stay silent and avoid repaying evil with evil. Dear Heavenly Father, You have given us Your words to be our guide and guidance in life. We follow Your way and live an abundant life. We face many interpersonal relationships every day, and it is easy to stumble in words. Please help us to have spiritual wisdom and patience when we encounter someone who criticizes, insults or Attack. We can control our words. Do not return insults with insults, but rather bless. Because we are called to live a victorious life. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!