指南針和望遠鏡—-詩篇119:105[祢的話是我腳前的燈, 是我路上的光.]一艘漁船迷失了路綫. 很多天看不見別的船, 也看不見海岸. 但是船長仍然毫不畏縮, 日夜航行. 一天早晨, 他看見他的漁船正是朝著要去的碼頭前進. 他是如何找到的呢? 原來他相信他的指南針和望遠鏡. 不管看不見陸地, 他只正確的依照指南針行駛, 一點都不改變. 在我們靈命的旅程也當如此. 不憑眼見, 只憑內心聖靈的感動和神的話語. 真實的信心必定包括順服. 信而順服定能帶下祝福. 親愛的天父. 我們需要祢做我們生命中的領導, 做我們屬靈生命中的明燈. 當我們在人生路上迷失了方向, 當我們痛苦失落時, 求聖靈感動我們, 祢經上的話語做我們的指南針, 指引我們該行的路, 該做的事, 幫助我們有順服和堅持的信心, 遵循祢的引導, 讓我們一生行在祢的旨意中. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Compass and Telescope – Psalm 119:105 [Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.] A fishing boat lost its way. For many days, it could not see other boats or the coast. But the captain still Undaunted, he sailed day and night. One morning, he saw his fishing boat heading towards the pier it was going to. How did he find it? It turns out that he believed in his compass and telescope. Regardless of whether he could not see the land, he only drove according to the compass correctly without changing at all. The same should be true in our spiritual journey. We do not rely on sight, but only rely on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and God’s inspiration in our hearts. Word. True faith must include obedience. Faith and obedience will bring blessings. Dear Heavenly Father, we need you to be the leader in our lives and the light in our spiritual lives. When we lose our way on the road of life , when we are in pain and loss, ask the Holy Spirit to move us. Your words in the Bible can be our compass, guide us on the path we should go and what we should do, help us have the confidence to obey and persevere, follow your guidance, let us Walk in your will all your life. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!