往下扎根—列王紀下19:30[猶大家所逃脫餘剩的, 仍要往下扎根, 向上結果. 必有剩餘的民, 從耶路撒冷而出, 必有逃脫的人, 從錫安山而來. 耶和華的熱心必成就這事.]往下扎根, 向上結果代表堅穩和興旺. 這是上帝所創造的無數自然規律中的一個. 一棵果樹一定要把根往下扎得深, 才能汲取充分的水分和養分, 才能長得好, 才能多結果. 在春天時, 連續下了幾天雨. 有這樣充足的雨水, 對樹木是否一定長的好?這只會使樹根長在表土上, 大風一刮它們就會立刻倒下. 反之. 如果天氣有些乾旱, 樹就會將根扎到泥土深處去吸收水分和養料. 這樣, 即使將來的風再大, 天再旱. 它也照樣能夠活下去. 這也是人生的道理. 把人生中的每一個困難, 都當成是往下扎根的挑戰和機會, 然後就會有向上結果的成就. 那麽, 今後還有什麼風暴你不能挺過去呢?我們在天上的父, 我們敬拜祢是獨一的真神. 是一切智慧和能力的源頭. 我們生活中常會遇到艱難和挑戰困擾我們, 但祢是所有問題的答案. 我們在信仰中會遇到撒旦的攻擊和誘惑, 但祢是我們的力量和依靠. 我們需要扎穩信仰的根基, 扎根在祢的話語和應許上, 我們就能勝過挑戰和困難. 向上結出美好的果子. 求主幫助我們, 只要信, 不要怕. 因為有祢的同在. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Roots Downward – 2 Kings 19:30 [The remnant of the people of Judah who escaped will still take root downwards and bear fruit upwards. A remnant of the people will come out of Jerusalem, and those who escaped will come out of Mount Zion. Come. The zeal of the Lord will accomplish this.] To take root downward, and to bear fruit upward represents stability and prosperity. This is one of the countless natural laws created by God. A fruit tree must take root deep down, In order to absorb sufficient water and nutrients, they can grow well and bear more fruits. In spring, it rained for several days in a row. With such sufficient rain, does it mean that the trees will grow well? This will only make the tree roots grow on the topsoil, and they will fall down immediately when the wind blows. On the contrary, if the weather is a little dry, the tree will send its roots deep into the soil to absorb water and nutrients. In this way, even if the wind blows in the future, No matter how big it is, no matter how dry it is, it can still survive. This is also the principle of life. Treat every difficulty in life as a challenge and opportunity to take root downwards, and then there will be achievements with upward consequences. Then, What storms will you not be able to weather in the future? Our Father in heaven, we worship You as the only true God. You are the source of all wisdom and power. We often encounter difficulties and challenges in our lives that trouble us, but You are the answer to all problems. We will encounter them in our faith. We are attacked and tempted by Satan, but You are our strength and support. We need to solidify the foundation of faith and root in Your words and promises, so that we can overcome challenges and difficulties and bear wonderful fruits upward. Please Lord help us, just believe and don’t be afraid. Because you are with us. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!