得自由釋放—-加拉太書5:1[基督釋放了我們, 叫我們得以自由.  所以要站立得穩, 不要再被奴僕的軛挾制.]有一個人某天在路上看見一個小孩抓著一隻麻雀, 可憐的麻雀掙扎著想從孩子手中逃脫, 但都不成功.  這人請求小孩子放走麻雀, 但小孩子不願意, 麻雀雖留之無益, 可是他既然花了三小時才抓到, 怎麼肯輕易就放走?這人用一些理由說服他, 但都無用.  最後, 就商討了一個價錢向小孩子買了麻雀, 這人接過小鳥, 便把放了.  小鳥發出啾啾的聲音飛走了.  像是在告訴那人說”謝謝!謝謝你救贖了我!” 救贖的意義就是買回來並釋放他.  我們是耶穌以祂的寶血買贖回來的, 祂的救恩斷開罪的鎖鏈.  使我們脫離罪惡, 肉體, 世界, 以及律法主義的捆綁. 並靠著聖靈在恩典中過自由釋放的生活.   我們一起來禱告:親愛的天父, 祢將萬有和主耶穌都白白的賜給我們.  主耶穌為我們釘在十字架, 流下寶血買贖我們, 使我得著自由, 不再受罪的控告和捆綁.  求主帶領我們, 要在祢的裡面站立得穩, 靠著聖靈使我們內心的力量剛強起來, 有祢的智慧, 公義和聖潔, 熱心為善, 過新生得勝的生活.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 誠心所願, 阿們!

Be free and set free – Galatians 5:1 [Christ has freed us and made us free. So stand firm and do not be held hostage by the yoke of bondage anymore.] A man saw a child on the road one day. A sparrow. The poor sparrow struggled to escape from the child, but failed. The man asked the child to let the sparrow go, but the child was unwilling. Although the sparrow was useless, it took him three hours to catch it. , how could you let him go so easily? The man tried to persuade him with some reasons, but it was all in vain. Finally, he negotiated a price and bought a sparrow from the child. The man took the bird and let it go. The bird flew away with a chirping sound, like In telling that person, “Thank you! Thank you for redeeming me!” The meaning of redemption is to buy back and set him free. We are purchased by Jesus with His precious blood, and His salvation breaks the chains of sin. We are freed from the bondage of sin, the flesh, the world, and legalism. And live a life of freedom and release in grace through the Holy Spirit. Let us pray together: Dear Heavenly Father, You have given us all things and the Lord Jesus freely. We. The Lord Jesus was crucified for us and shed His precious blood to buy us, so that I can be free and no longer be accused and bound by sin. Please lead us, Lord, to stand firm in You and enable us to rely on the Holy Spirit. Strengthen your inner strength, have your wisdom, righteousness and holiness, be zealous for doing good, and live a new and victorious life. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, sincerely, Amen!