萬有出于神—-哥林多前書1:25[因神的愚拙總比人智慧, 神的軟弱總比人強壯.]當非洲開始建造第一條鉄路時, 許多當地人都沒有見過火車的樣子. 當鉄軌鋪設完成之後, 從歐洲運來的火車頭準備在上面展開試車. 工程師召來一批土著幫忙把火車頭從船上拖下來, 將近-二百位土著費盡九牛二虎之力, 才勉強把火車頭放在鉄軌上. 大家都得意洋洋, 認為人的力氣還是比較大, 也都以為火車頭也要靠人來拉才能走得動. 這時火車司機來了. 他上了車頭打開機器, 一陣濃濃的煙霧之後, 龐大的車頭緩緩開動. 不久就飛快的奔馳起來. 所有土著都看的目瞪口呆. 驚訝萬分. 默想:你是不是正為一些表現沾沾自喜, 或偶爾會產生驕的心?甚至不知不覺的高抬了自己?請記得一切的智慧和能力, 一切的成就都是來自神的作為, 我們只是祂的管道. 我們一起來禱告;掌管世界萬有的神, 祢是智慧和能力的源頭, 祢的智慧在我們的愚拙上彰顯, 祢的剛強在我們軟弱的人身上顯明. 求祢光照我們, 要有謙卑順服的心. 求你潔淨我們, 陶造我們成為貴重的器皿. 合乎祢使用. 讓祢偉大的作為成就, 使我們得福. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 誠心所願, 阿們!
All things are from God – 1 Corinthians 1:25 [For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.] When the first railways began to be built in Africa, many locals did not I’ve seen what a train looks like. After the rails were laid, the locomotive shipped from Europe was ready to be tested on it. The engineer called in a group of natives to help pull the locomotive off the ship. Nearly two hundred natives worked hard to pull the locomotive off the ship. With the strength of a tiger, he reluctantly put the locomotive on the track. Everyone was very proud, thinking that human strength was still relatively strong, and they all thought that the locomotive had to be pulled by people to move. At this time, the train driver came. He After getting on the front of the car and turning on the machine, after a burst of thick smoke, the huge front of the car started slowly. Soon it started running very fast. All the natives were stunned and surprised. Think to yourself: Are you complacent about some performance, or Do you occasionally feel arrogant? Are you even exalting yourself unconsciously? Please remember that all wisdom and power, all achievements come from God’s actions, and we are just His channels. Let’s pray together; God who is in charge of everything in the world, You are the source of wisdom and power, Your wisdom is in our Your strength is revealed in our weakness. Please enlighten us and have a humble and obedient heart. Please cleanse us and mold us into noble vessels, suitable for your use. Let your great deeds be accomplished. , that we may be blessed. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, sincerely wishing, Amen!