後悔莫及—-詩篇39:13[求祢寛容我, 使我在去而不返之先, 可以力量復原.][故事]法國最著名的牧師內德, 蘭塞姆牧師曾聆聽過一萬多人的臨終懺悔.  他於94歲臨終時說”假如時光可以倒流, 世界上將有一半的人可以成為偉人.  如果每個人都把反思提前十年, 便有50%的人可能讓自己成為-名了不起的人.” [思考]由於缺乏對過去的反思和對未來的預見, 所以很多人不能正確地總結過去, 開創未來, 實現理想.  時光不會倒流, 為了將來不後悔, 要好好把握生命中的一切, 不要錯過神賜給我們的恩典和福份.  [禱告]我們親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢賜給我們美好的生命. 祢要我們活得豐盛精彩和有意義.  求祢指教我們如何運用智慧, 抓緊時機, 選擇祢賜給我們上好的人生目標.  有機會做一位偉人, 或做一位了不起的人.  但更重要的是做祢好的兒女.  免得我們在生命結束時, 仍有遺憾, 後悔莫及.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Too late to regret – Psalm 39:13 [Please have mercy on me, so that I can regain my strength before I leave and never return.] [Story] The most famous pastor in France, Pastor Ned and Ransom, once listened to a The deathbed confession of more than ten thousand people. When he died at the age of 94, he said, “If time could be turned back, half of the people in the world would become great men. If everyone reflected ten years in advance, 50% of the people would be able to make themselves. Become a great person.” [Thinking] Due to the lack of reflection on the past and foresight of the future, many people cannot correctly summarize the past, create the future, and realize their ideals. Time will not go back, and in order not to regret in the future, we must do a good job Grasp everything in life and don’t miss the grace and blessings God gives us. [Prayer] Our dear Heavenly Father God, thank you for giving us a wonderful life. You want us to live a rich, wonderful and meaningful life. Please Teach us how to use wisdom, seize the opportunity, and choose the best goal in life that You have given us. We have the opportunity to be a great man or an amazing person. But more importantly, we must be Your good children. Lest we fail in life. At the end, I still have regrets and regrets. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!