孝順父母—-出埃及記20:22[當孝敬父母, 使你的日子在耶和華你們神所賜你的地上得以長久.][故事]有戶人家有三個人, 也是三代人. 一天, 父親對兒子說”你爺爺年老體弱, 活在世上毫無用處, 不如拋棄在深山算了.” 半夜, 父子倆用一籮筐抬著老人到了深山裏, 正準備放下離開時, 兒子說”爸爸, 我們只要把人留下就可以了. 何必把這籮筐也丟了呢?” 父親生氣地說”你這小子𢤦什麼?連人都不要了, 還要這破籮筐幹什麼?” 兒子說”若把這籮筐也扔了, 將來我和我的兒子用什麼把你抬到這裏來呢?” 父親聽後大為驚愕, 好像當頭一棒, 立時醒過來!於是速速把老人抬回家中, 好好贍養, 再也不敢有不孝之舉了.[思考]每個人生活在世上擔負多重角色, 今天是兒子, 明天也許就是爸爸了. 所以一舉一動都當給後代留下好榜樣. 就是遵行主道, 愛人如己, 就必蒙主賜福, 在世長壽. [禱告]感謝賜生命氣息的天父上帝. 祢讓我我們在生命過程中經歷不同的人生階段, 也扮演不同的角色. 主啊, 我們需要祢做我們生命的主宰. 教導和帶領我們在不同的角色中, 都以祢作為我們的榜樣. 以祢的教導為導航. 做孝順的孩子, 做盡責的父母. 讓我們的生命在祢的裏面, 活得美麗有色彩, 活得更長久和有意義. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Honor your parents – Exodus 20:22 [Honor your parents, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.] [Story] There was a family with three people, three generations. One day, my father said to The son said, “Your grandpa is old and frail and has no use in the world. He might as well abandon him in the mountains.” In the middle of the night, the father and son carried the old man in a basket to the mountains. When they were about to put him down and leave, the son said, “Dad, We just need to keep the people. Why throw away this basket?” The father said angrily, “What are you kid? You don’t even want the people, so why do you need this broken basket?” The son said, “If This basket has also been thrown away. How will my son and I carry you here in the future?” After hearing this, the father was shocked and woke up immediately as if he had been hit in the head! So he quickly took the old man home and took good care of him. He never dared to act unfilial again. [Thinking] Everyone plays multiple roles in the world. Today he is a son, and tomorrow he may be a father. So every move he makes should be considered as a father. Leave a good example to future generations. If you obey the Lord’s way and love your neighbor as yourself, you will be blessed by the Lord and live a long life. [Prayer] Thank you Heavenly Father God who gives life and breath. You allow us to experience different lives in the process of life. Stages also play different roles. Lord, we need you to be the master of our lives. Teach and lead us in different roles, using you as our example. Use your teachings as our navigation. Be a filial child, Be responsible parents. Let our lives be beautiful and colorful in You, and live longer and meaningfully. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!