兩根蠟燭—-哥林多前書1:28[神也揀選了世上卑賤的, 被人厭惡的, 以及那無有的, 為要廢掉那有的.][故事]有一位單身女子, 隔壁住的是一位寡婦帶著兩個小孩, 家裏很窮困.  有一天晚上, 忽然停電.  那位女子只好自己點起了蠟燭.  沒一會兒, 忽然聽到有人敲門.  原來是隔壁鄰居的小孩, 他很緊張地問”阿姨, 請問您家有蠟燭嗎?” 女子心想”他們家竟然窮到連蠟燭都沒有, 千萬別借給他們, 免得他們常來要東西.”  於是不客氣的對孩子說”沒有!” 正當她準備關上門時, 那窮小孩露出關心的眼神說”我媽媽心想您一個人住, 家裏可能沒有預備蠟燭, 所以要我給您送兩根過來.”  說完, 就從懷中拿出兩根蠟燭.  [思考]許多窮人比有錢人更慷慨和有愛心.  每一位神的兒女在祂的計劃中, 都有一個特殊的地位.  神能夠使用在人看來的短處. 成就祂的旨意.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢, 不輕看我們的身份微小, 還揀選我們成為祢的兒女.  求主幫助我們, 堅固我們的信心, 也有謙卑善良的心.  不輕看自己和其他人. 因為我們都是祢所愛的.  我們要忠心服事祢, 也關心別人的需要, 完成祢在我們身上的旨意. 讓祢的名得榮耀.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名. 阿們!

Two Candles – 1 Corinthians 1:28 [God also chose the lowly things of the world, the detested things, and the things that are not, in order to destroy the things that are.] [Story] There was a single woman. , lived next door to a widow with two children, and the family was very poor. One night, there was a sudden power outage. The woman had to light a candle by herself. After a while, she suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. It turned out to be the neighbor next door. The child, he asked nervously, “Auntie, do you have any candles at home?” The woman thought to herself, “Their family is so poor that they don’t even have candles. Don’t lend them to them, lest they come to ask for things often.” So you are welcome. She said “No!” to the child. Just as she was about to close the door, the poor child showed concern in his eyes and said, “My mother is thinking that since you live alone, there may not be any candles at home, so she asked me to send you two.” After saying this, he took out two candles from his arms. [Thinking] Many poor people are more generous and loving than rich people. Every child of God has a special place in His plan. God can use Shortcomings in the eyes of man. Fulfill His will. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God, thank You for not looking down upon our insignificance but choosing us to be Your children. Please help us and strengthen our faith, We also have a humble and kind heart. We do not look down on ourselves or others. Because we are all loved by you. We must serve you faithfully, care about the needs of others, and fulfill your will for us. Let your name be glorified. .Prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!