知足感恩—-哥林多後書6:10[似乎憂愁, 卻是常常快樂的;似乎貧窮, 卻是叫許多人富足的;似乎一無所有, 卻是樣樣都有的.][故事]有一位商人, 他的企業陷入極大的困境, 甚至好朋友都離開他, 他已經完全沒有信心和勇氣了. 一天, 他在街上閒逛. 突然, 有一個聲音向他問好 “早安!先生, 今天天氣真好!” 他看見一個人很有精神地向著他笑. 可是那人沒有雙腿, 坐在一塊安裝著滑輪的小木板上, 靠兩手各用一根木棍撐著向前行. 那一剎那, 有一綫亮光閃過他的心頭, 使他們加深了對生命意義的瞭解. 他忽然發現自己是何等的富有. 他回家後在日記上寫下這様一句話”我悶悶不樂, 因為我少了一雙鞋, 直到我在街上. 見到有人缺了兩條腿.” [思考]再多的物質和享受, 也永遠滿足不了我們的心靈, 要為我們所擁有的感謝上帝. 心存知足和感恩的心, 上帝必定使我們一無所缺, 樣樣都有. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是賜生命和萬有的主, 求祢賜給我們一顆知足感恩的心. 讓我們隨時感恩祢一切的供應, 感受被祢的愛所包圍的幸福. 祢的恩典夠我們用, 因為有祢, 我們知足, 是世上物質和名利的享受所不能滿足的. 主啊!唯有祢是我們的盼望與喜樂. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Contentment and Gratitude – 2 Corinthians 6:10 [Although he seems sad, he is always happy; he seems to be poor, but he makes many rich; he seems to have nothing, but he has everything.] [Story] There is a story A businessman, his business was in great trouble, even his good friends left him, and he had no confidence and courage at all. One day, he was wandering on the street. Suddenly, a voice said hello to him, “Good morning! Sir, The weather is so nice today!” He saw a man smiling energetically at him. But the man had no legs. He was sitting on a small wooden board equipped with pulleys, and he moved forward with a wooden stick in each hand. That man had no legs. For a moment, a ray of light flashed through his mind, which deepened his understanding of the meaning of life. He suddenly realized how rich he was. After returning home, he wrote this sentence in his diary: “I am depressed because I have less money.” I had to buy a pair of shoes until I saw someone missing two legs on the street.” [Thinking] No matter how much material things and enjoyments we have, they can never satisfy our hearts. We must thank God for what we have. With a heart of contentment and gratitude, God will surely make us lack nothing and have everything. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God, You are the Lord who gives life and all things, please give us a heart of contentment and gratitude. . Let us be grateful for all your provision at all times and feel the happiness of being surrounded by your love. Your grace is enough for us. Because of you, we are content, which cannot be satisfied by the enjoyment of material and fame and wealth in the world. Lord! You alone are our hope and joy. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!