腓立比書1:20[照著我所切慕所盼望的, 沒有一事叫我羞愧, 只要凡事放膽; 無論是生, 是死, 總叫基督在我身上照常顯大.][案例]法國一個偏僻的小鎮, 有一個特別靈驗的泉水, 常常會出現神迹, 可以醫治各種疾病.  有一天, 一位拄著拐仗, 少了一條腿的退伍軍人, 一拐一拐地走過鎮上的馬路, 旁邊的居民帶著同情的口吻說”可憐的傢伙, 難道他要向上帝祈求, 再有一條腿嗎?” 這句話被他聽到了, 他轉過身來對他們說”我不是要向上帝祈求一條新的腿, 而是要祈求祂幫助我, 叫我少了一條腿之後, 知道如何過日子.” [理由]祈求神迹.  什麼是神迹?知道如何靠一條腿仍然可以過日子, 這也是神迹, 不是嗎?學習為所失去的感恩, 也接納失去的事實, 不管得或失, 總叫基督在我們身上照常顯大.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們在世上是有很多苦難, 有些甚至很難承受, 但我們感恩有祢, 祢是我們的盼望, 我們所依靠的, 無論在什麼情況, 我們都要靠主剛強, 常常有喜樂開朗的心.  凡事謝恩, 讓主的愛和能力在我們身上彰顯.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Philippians 1:20 [For I have a longing and a longing in which I am not ashamed of anything, but have all courage, so that Christ may be magnified in me, whether by life or by death.] [Case ] In a remote town in France, there was a particularly efficacious spring, which often performed miracles and could cure various diseases. One day, a veteran who was walking on a crutch and missing one leg limped away. Walking through the road in the town, the residents nearby said with sympathy, “Poor guy, does he have to pray to God for another leg?” He heard this, and he turned to them Say, “I am not asking God for a new leg, but I am asking Him to help me so that I know how to live my life without a leg.” [Reason] Praying for a miracle. What is a miracle? Knowing how to live on one leg is a miracle, isn’t it? Learn to be grateful for what we have lost and accept the fact of loss. Regardless of gain or loss, Christ will always be magnified in us. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father God, we have a lot of suffering in this world, some of which are even difficult to bear. , but we are grateful to have you. You are our hope and what we rely on. No matter what the situation, we must be strong in the Lord and always have a joyful and cheerful heart. Give thanks in everything and let the Lord’s love and power be manifested in us. . This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!