雅各書2:4[這豈不是你們偏心待人, 用惡意斷定人嗎?][案例]有兩位婦人在聊天, 其中一位問道”妳兒子還好吧?” “別提了, 真是不幸哦!” 這位婦人嘆息道”他實在夠可憐, 娶個媳婦懶得要命, 不燒飯, 不掃地, 不洗衣服, 不帶孩子, 整天就是睡覺, 我兒子還要端早餐到他的床上呢!” “那妳女兒呢?””那她可就好命了.” 婦人滿臉笑容”她嫁了一個不錯的丈夫, 不讓她做家事, 全部由先生一手包辦, 煮飯, 掃地, 洗衣, 帶孩子, 而且每天早上還端早點到床上給她吃呢!”. [理由]不偏待人, 同様的狀況, 但是當我們從自我的角度去看時, 就會發生不同的心態. 站在別人的立場看一看, 或在對方的角度想一想, 很多事情就不一様了. 你可以有更大的包容, 也會有更多的愛. [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 無條件的愛我們, 還賜給我們豐盛的恩典, 享受祢給我們一切的好處, 但我們對待別人卻是那麼的自私, 偏心, 論斷人, 不講道理. 求主赦免我們的過錯, 也幫助我們要以主的愛去對待別人, 曉得站在別人的立場來調整我們的心態, 與人能夠和睦相處. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
James 2:4 [Is this not that you show partiality to others and judge others with malice? ][Case] Two women were chatting, and one of them asked, “How is your son?” “Forget it, it’s so unfortunate!” The woman sighed, “He is really pathetic, and he is too lazy to marry a wife.” It’s terrible, no cooking, no sweeping the floor, no laundry, no taking care of the children, just sleeping all day, and my son has to bring breakfast to his bed!” “What about your daughter?” “Then she’ll be fine. “The woman was smiling.” She married a good husband who didn’t let her do housework. The husband did all the cooking, sweeping, laundry, and taking care of the children. He also brought breakfast to her bed every morning. !”. [Reason] We are not biased, but when we look at the same situation from our own point of view, we will have a different mentality. Looking at it from the other person’s point of view, or thinking about it from the other person’s point of view, a lot of Things are different. You can be more tolerant and have more love. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father God, we thank you for loving us unconditionally and giving us abundant grace. Enjoy You have given us all the benefits, but we are so selfish, partial, judgmental, and unreasonable in our treatment of others. Please forgive us for our mistakes and help us to treat others with the love of the Lord and know how to stand on others’ side. We can adjust our mentality from our standpoint so that we can live in harmony with others. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!