以賽亞書30:15[你們得救在乎歸回安息, 你們得力在乎平靜安穩.][案例]有兩個畫家, 相約各畫一幅圖畫, 表達安息之意.  第一個畫家畫了一個極大的湖泊, 風平浪靜. 湖面如鏡, 山上的美景在水中倒映的清清楚楚.  第二個畫家畫了一片極大的瀑布, 旁邊有一棵小灌木的枝子彎在水中, 它頂端的分枝上擱著一個小鳥巢, 中間一隻知更鳥安祥睡著.  第一幅僅是安靜停滯. 第二幅呈現安息安穩.[理由]真正的安靜, 不是來自環境, 而是來自心靈.  如果你覺得自己心中正在起伏不定, 波濤洶湧, 請記得主耶穌斥責風和浪說”住了吧, 靜了吧!” 在安靜中把心中的意念逐一的交托給主.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們的山寨, 我們的避難所.  在生活中的忙碌奔波, 憂愁掛慮, 都讓我們身心疲累, 我們需要祢的力量扶持, 需要祢的愛來安撫. 求祢幫助我們, 使我們在祢的愛裏有安穩和平靜的心, 得著安慰和釋放, 能夠重新得力, 以平安和喜樂的心過每一天.  奉主耶穌基督的名禱告, 阿們!

Isaiah 30:15 [In returning and rest, you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.] [Case Study] Two painters agreed to each create a painting expressing the concept of rest. The first painter depicted a vast, calm lake, with no ripples. The lake surface was like a mirror, perfectly reflecting the beautiful scenery of the mountains.

The second painter portrayed a massive waterfall. Beside it was a small bush, with one of its branches bending into the water. At the tip of the branch was a small bird’s nest, and within it, a robin rested peacefully. The first painting illustrated stillness and stagnation, while the second captured true rest and stability. [Reasoning] True tranquility does not come from external circumstances but from within the soul. If you feel inner turbulence and waves crashing within your heart, remember how the Lord Jesus rebuked the wind and the sea, saying, “Peace! Be still!” In moments of stillness, entrust your thoughts one by one to the Lord. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, You are our fortress and refuge. In the midst of life’s busyness and worries, which often leave us physically and emotionally drained, we need Your strength to sustain us and Your love to comfort us. We ask for Your help to grant us a heart that is calm and peaceful in Your love, to receive comfort and release, and to be renewed in strength. Help us live each day with peace and joy. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!