腓立比書4:19 [我的上帝必照祂榮耀的豐富. 在基督耶穌裏, 使你們一切所需用的都充足.][案例]某婦人到商店去買皮包, 選了好久, 皮包堆滿了柜台, 大費周章地總算選了其中一個.  當要付錢的時候, 自己的皮包卻不見了.  仔細一看. 她所選中的那一個就是自己的皮包.  [理由]接受自己.  我們常以為別人所擁有的比我們的更好. 其實神照個人所需要的量給我們.  重新看我們的處境, 我所擁有的人和事, 以珍惜的心去看待.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 謝謝祢豐盛的恩典和慈愛.  祢施恩, 眷顧和供應我們一切所需要的, 使我們在物質和心靈的需要都沒有缺乏.  很多時候我們軟弱, 不滿足現況, 我們埋怨和煩惱, 求主憐憫, 幫助我們靠主剛強, 凡事謝恩, 常常有喜樂的心, 榮耀主的名.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Philippians 4:19 [And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.] [Case Study] A woman went to a store to buy a handbag. She spent a long time choosing, piling bags on the counter, and finally selected one. However, when it came time to pay, she couldn’t find her own handbag. Upon closer inspection, she realized that the one she had selected was her own bag all along. [Reasoning] Accept yourself: We often think what others have is better than what we own. In reality, God provides to each of us according to our needs. Take a fresh look at your circumstances and appreciate the people and things you already have with a grateful heart. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your abundant grace and love. You graciously care for and supply all our needs, leaving us without lack in both material and spiritual aspects. Yet, we are often weak, dissatisfied with our current situation, and prone to complaints and worries. Lord, have mercy on us. Help us to rely on Your strength, give thanks in all things, and maintain a joyful heart that glorifies Your name. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!