申命記32:10(新譯本]耶和華在曠野之地遇見了他, 在荒涼之地和野獸吼叫的荒野, 遇見了他, 就環繞他, 看顧他, 保護他, 好像保護自己眼中的瞳人一樣.][案例]有一個人經過熱鬧的火車站前, 看到一個雙腿殘障的人在地上擺設鉛筆小攤. 他漫不經心的丟下了一百元, 當作施捨. 但是走了不久, 這人又回來了. 他抱歉的對這殘疾人說”不好意思, 你是一個生意人, 我竞把你當成一個乞丐.” 過了一段時間. 他再次經過火車站. 一個店家的老板在門口微笑喊住他”我一直期待你的出現.” 那位殘疾人說”你是第一個把我當成生意人看待的人.” [理由]尊重他人. 你怎樣看一個人, 那人可能就會因你而有所改變. 你看他是上帝所寶貫的. 他就是寶貴的. 對人的一份尊重和愛心, 常會讓他產生意想不到的改變. [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 祢看我們如眼中的瞳人那樣珍貴, 愛護和珍惜我們. 求主幫助我們, 也要以仁愛慈悲的心對待別人, 尊重殘缺的弱者, 幫助需要的人. 因為他們也是上帝看為寶貴的生命. 我們這樓, 也是上帝和人喜悦的. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Deuteronomy 32:10 (New Translation) [The Lord found him in a desert land, in a barren and howling wilderness; He encircled him, cared for him, and guarded him as the apple of His eye.] [Case Study] A man passing through a bustling train station noticed a person with a disability selling pencils on the ground. Casually, he tossed a hundred-dollar bill as charity. However, after walking a short distance, he returned and apologized to the man, saying, “I’m sorry. You’re a businessman, and I mistakenly treated you as a beggar.” Some time later, the same man passed through the station again. The shop owner smiled and called out to him, “I’ve been waiting for you to show up.” The disabled man said, “You were the first person to treat me as a businessman.” [Reasoning] Respect others: How you see a person may inspire unexpected changes in them. If you view someone as precious in God’s sight, they will feel valuable. Respect and love often lead to remarkable transformations in others. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for cherishing us as the apple of Your eye, loving and treasuring us. Lord, help us to treat others with kindness and compassion, respecting those who are weak or disabled, and offering help to those in need. For they too are precious lives in Your eyes. May our actions bring joy to both You and others. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!