約翰福音10:27-28[我的羊聽我的聲音, 我也認識他們, 他們也跟著我. 我又賜給他們永生, 他們永不滅亡, 誰也不能從我手裏把他們奪去.][案例]一位昆蟲學家和他的一位商人朋友在野地散步.  昆蟲學家忽然停止步伐, 走向附近樹林裏去.  不久, 昆蟲學家找到一隻小蟋蟀, 拿給他的朋友看, 並說他剛才聽見那蟲的鳴聲, 他的朋友覺得十分稀奇, 那蟲聲微不可聞, 他絲毫也聽不到, 昆蟲學家竟聽得見.  不久, 他們離開野地, 走在熱鬧馬路旁的人行道上.  那位商人也突然止步, 彎身拾起一個掉在地上的銀幣.  昆蟲學家卻一直走去, 絲毫也未聽見那銀幣落地之聲. [理由]聽主的聲音.   什麼樣的人就聽見什麼樣的聲音, 屬世界的人就聽世界的聲音, 屬神的人就聽神的聲音.  一位愛主的基督徒會聽見心裏面微小的聲音, 並且願意早起先聽神的聲音, 然後才聽世界的聲音.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是我們的好牧人, 我們是祢的小羊, 祢牧養我們, 帶領我們行走當行的義路, 使我們過豐盛的生命.  我們要單單聽主的聲音, 緊緊跟隨主的腳步, 遵行主的吩咐, 直到我們歸於永恆.  阿們!

John 10:27-28 [My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.] [Case Study] An entomologist was walking in the wilderness with a businessman friend. Suddenly, the entomologist stopped and walked toward a nearby forest. Shortly afterward, he found a small cricket and showed it to his friend, explaining that he had heard the cricket’s chirping. His friend was amazed, as the sound was so faint that he couldn’t hear it at all, yet the entomologist had. Later, as they walked along a busy city sidewalk, the businessman suddenly stopped, bent down, and picked up a silver coin that had fallen to the ground. The entomologist, however, kept walking and hadn’t heard the coin drop at all. [Reasoning] Hearing the Lord’s voice: The kind of person you are determines the kind of voice you hear. Those who belong to the world hear the world’s voice, while those who belong to God hear God’s voice. A Christian who loves the Lord will hear the small, gentle voice in their heart and will prioritize listening to God’s voice before listening to the noise of the world. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, You are our Good Shepherd, and we are Your sheep. You care for us and lead us on the path of righteousness, enabling us to live abundant lives. Help us to listen only to Your voice, follow in Your footsteps, and obey Your commands until we enter into eternity. Amen!