羅馬書15:7[所以你們要彼此接納, 如同基督接納你們一樣, 使榮耀歸與神.][案例]一位心理學家在辦公室裏測驗兩個一年級的孩子.  小華是一個貧家子弟, 有六個兄弟.  小明則是一個富家醫生的獨子.  心理學家叫孩子看一幅圖畫, 畫裏是一個小兔子坐在桌子旁邊哭, 兔子媽媽扳著面孔, 站在一旁.  於是他叫他們把畫的意思說出來.  小華說”啊!小兔子正在哭泣, 因為它還想要吃東西, 但是東西已沒有了, 它媽媽覺得很難過.”  小明說”不是的, 它正在哭, 因為它不想再吃東西了, 但它母親強迫它吃下去.”  [思考]彼此接納, 處在什麼樣的環境就習慣用那樣的角度看事情, 而每一件事情從不同的角度來看時, 總會有所不同. 讓我們學習以寬廣的態度接納不同的人, 事, 物.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 祢創造我們每個人是不同的個體, 我們也是生長在不同的環境, 大家都會有不同的性格, 對人事物會有不同的看法和意見.  求主幫助我們, 能夠學習以寬廣和溫和的態度與人相處, 能夠多一點包容和接納, 好傢主接納我們一樣.  不要斤斤計較.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Romans 15:7 [Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.] [Case Study] A psychologist conducted an experiment with two first-grade children. One child, Xiao Hua, came from a poor family with six siblings, while Xiao Ming was the only child of a wealthy doctor. The psychologist showed them a picture of a small rabbit sitting at a table crying, with the mother rabbit standing nearby, looking stern. He asked the children to explain what was happening in the picture. Xiao Hua said, “Ah! The little rabbit is crying because it still wants to eat, but there’s no more food left. Its mother must feel sad about that.” Xiao Ming said, “No, the rabbit is crying because it doesn’t want to eat anymore, but its mother is forcing it to.” [Reflection] Acceptance of one another: People tend to see things through the lens of their environment. Viewing the same situation from different perspectives often yields different interpretations. Let us learn to adopt a broader and more inclusive attitude, accepting people, situations, and circumstances with grace. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, You created each of us as unique individuals. We come from different backgrounds, and each person has a distinct personality, perspective, and opinion. Lord, help us to interact with others in a broad-minded and gentle manner, to be more tolerant and accepting, just as You have accepted us. Teach us not to be overly critical or nitpicky. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!