使徒行傳14:22[堅固門徒的心, 對他們恆守所信的道.  又說, 我們進入神的國. 必須要經歷許多艱難.] [案例]著名的發明家愛迪有一個龐大的實驗室, 但是一埸大火卻造成了嚴重的損失, 他一生的研究心血大半都付之一炬.  當他的兒子在火場附近焦急的找父親時, 他看到已經67歲的愛迪生, 居然平靜地坐著看熊熊大火燒盡一切.  愛迪生看見兒子, 便叫他去找媽媽來, “快把她找來, 讓她看看有生之年, 難得一見的大火.”  大家以為這場大火可能對他造成重大的挫折, 但他說”大火燒去了所有的錯誤, 感謝上帝, 我們又可以重新開始了.”  三個月後, 愛迪生發明了留聲機.[思考]必經的艱難.  愛迪生的故事對你有何幫助?你是否也曾或正經歷重大的打擊和損失?把你心中的痛苦告訴主, 讓祂安慰你, 並賜力量使你再站起來.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢.  祢愛我們, 關心我們, 看顧我們. 無論在順順境或逆境, 在極大的苦難和困境中, 祢都與我們同在, 為我們行神蹟奇蹟, 為我們找出路.  也讓我們經過苦難的歷練, 信心更加堅強.  我們在主的手中, 真是有安穩和福氣.  我們要依靠祢, 順服祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Acts 14:22 [Strengthening the hearts of the disciples, encouraging them to remain true to the faith, and saying, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.”] [Example] The famous inventor Edison had a large laboratory, but a huge fire caused significant losses, destroying much of his life’s research. When his son anxiously searched for his father near the fire, he found 67-year-old Edison calmly sitting and watching the blaze consume everything. Edison saw his son and told him, “Quick, go get your mother. Let her see this rare fire in her lifetime.” Everyone thought this great fire would be a major setback for him, but he said, “The fire burned away all the mistakes. Thank God, we can start over.” Three months later, Edison invented the phonograph. [Reflection] Enduring hardships. What does Edison’s story mean to you? Have you ever experienced, or are you currently going through, significant setbacks and losses? Share your pain with the Lord, let Him comfort you, and give you strength to rise again. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You. You love us, care for us, and watch over us. Whether in good times or bad, in great suffering and adversity, You are with us, performing miracles and finding a way for us. And through the trials, our faith grows stronger. We are truly secure and blessed in Your hands. We rely on You and obey You. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!