哥林多前書3:6-7[我栽種了, 亞波羅澆灌了,  惟有神叫他生長.  可見栽種的不算甚麼, 澆灌的也不算得甚麼, 只在那叫他生長的神.][案例]第一位登陸月球的太空人, 其實是兩位, 除了我們所熟知的Armstrong外, 還有一位是Aldrin.  而當Armstrong的一句名言”這是個人的一小步, 卻是人類的一大步”也傳頌至今.  在返回地球的記者會中, 記者向Aldrin 問道”由Armstrong先下去, 成為登陸月球的第一個人.  你會不會覺得遺憾?” 在全塲有點緊張的注目中, Aldrin 笑著說”回到地球時, 我可是最先出太空艙的, 所以我是由別的星球來到地球的第一個人.”  大家在笑聲中, 都給予他最熱烈的掌聲. [思考]團隊服事. 成功不必在我, 團隊的成功就是我的成功.  你會不會欣賞同工的成就呢? 成人之美是修養也是美德.  積極的思想才是正能量.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 因為祢不偏待人, 祢賜給我們每個人都有不同的恩賜和專長, 可以在不同的崗位事奉.  有人撒種栽種, 有人剪草施肥, 有人收割, 使教會事工可以順利進行.  求主幫助我們, 有謙卑的心, 願意付上代價, 有團隊的精神, 同心合力完成事工.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

1 Corinthians 3:6-7 [“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”] [Example] The first astronaut to land on the moon was actually two people. In addition to the well-known Armstrong, there was also Aldrin. Armstrong’s famous quote, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind,” is still widely remembered. In a press conference after returning to Earth, a reporter asked Aldrin, “Since Armstrong went down first and became the first person to land on the moon, do you feel regretful?” Amid a slightly tense atmosphere, Aldrin smiled and replied, “When we returned to Earth, I was the first to exit the spacecraft, so I was the first person to come to Earth from another planet.” The audience burst into laughter and gave him the warmest applause. [Reflection] Team service. Success doesn’t always have to be mine; the success of the team is my success. Do you appreciate the achievements of your coworkers? Encouraging the success of others is both a cultivation and a virtue. Positive thinking is true energy. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You because You do not show favoritism. You have given each of us different gifts and strengths, allowing us to serve in different positions. Some plant seeds, some water, and some harvest, ensuring that the work of the church can progress smoothly. We ask the Lord to help us have humble hearts, be willing to pay the price, and possess a spirit of teamwork, working together to accomplish the work. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!