以賽亞書61:3[為錫安悲哀的人穿上裝飾, 賜給他們華冠代替灰塵, 喜樂油代替悲哀.  讃美衣代替沮喪的靈.  他們必稱為公義的橡樹, 是耶和華栽種的, 好使他自己得著榮耀.][案例]很多家庭都有相同的經驗, 越不許孩子玩弄剪刀, 孩子越要玩.  某一天, 有一個年幼的的小孩拿起一把尖銳的剪刀在玩.  媽媽一看, 大吃一驚, 強迫叫他放下, 越是如此, 小孩越不放手.  媽媽急中生智, 知道他喜歡吃蘋果, 於是拿了一些蘋果給孩子.  孩子一看見蘋果, 立刻把剪刀放下, 伸手去拿蘋果.  [理由]以更好的替代.  神也是這樣, 祂樂意把更美好的禮物, 耶穌基督給我們, 以便我們把素常所喜好的罪丟棄.  信仰不是奪去我們所有的, 而是以更好的來代替那些次好的事物.  不是犧牲, 而是更大的得著. [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們獻上滿心的感恩.  感謝祢像父親一樣疼愛我們, 總是將最好的賜給我們, 按照我們的需要供應我們.  我們有時不明白祢的心意, 誤會祢沒有答應我們的祈求, 豈不知原來祢要將更好的給我們.  我們多謝祢, 我們要更加的愛主和親近主.  聽從祢的教導, 順服祢的旨意.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Isaiah 61:3 [“To provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, for the display of His splendor.”] [Example] Many families have the same experience: the more you forbid a child from playing with scissors, the more they want to play with them. One day, a young child picked up a sharp pair of scissors to play with. The mother was startled when she saw this and urgently forced the child to put it down. The more she insisted, the more the child refused. The mother quickly came up with an idea, knowing that the child liked apples. She took some apples and showed them to the child. Upon seeing the apples, the child immediately put down the scissors and reached for the apples. [Reflection] Replacing with something better. God is like this too. He is willing to give us better gifts, like Jesus Christ, so that we can discard the sins we often enjoy. Faith does not take everything away from us, but replaces the lesser things with better ones. It is not about sacrifice, but about receiving something greater. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, we offer our heartfelt gratitude. Thank You for loving us like a father, always giving us the best and supplying us according to our needs. Sometimes we do not understand Your will and mistakenly think You have not answered our prayers, not knowing that You are preparing something better for us. We thank You and want to love You more and draw closer to You. We will listen to Your teachings and obey Your will. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!