1082詩篇90:12[求祢指教我們怎樣數算自己的日子, 好叫我們得著智慧的心.][案例]明代狀元錢福的明日歌”明日復明日, 明日何其多. 我生待明日, 萬事成磋跎.”  有一間理髮店的老板忽然異想天開, 在店門口貼出”明天理髮免費”的海報.  自第二日起, 上門的顧客每天都有增加, 原來大家都抱著占便宜的心理而來.  可是理完髮卻個個都要付費才出得了門.  理由很簡單:明天尚未到, 今天仍要付錢.  那些失望的顧客與其說是上了老板的當, 毋寧說是上了”明天”的當.  [理由]數算日子.  今天此時就是最好的一刻, 不要讓明天成為拖延的藉口.  如果你常常有拖拖拉拉浪费時間的習慣, 把這個需要告訴主, 求祂來改變你.  讓今天成為你的責任, 讓明天成为對今天的感恩.  我們需要思考人生的短暫, 以便聰明的安排神所賜給我們的時間. 只有神從起初就知道末了, 我們應當祈求恩典, 以便像知道結局那樣行事為人.  詩篇的作者很清楚的告訴我們, 正確的態度包括尋求神的智慧, 12節, 尋求祂的慈愛, 14節, 與祂的保守, 17節.  因此, 如果我們能抱持這樣的生活態度, 就必歡然享受生命的每一刻. 善用每個將逝的歲月, 使它成為永恆.  有一天, 當我們離開肉體生命回歸天家, 那屬天的生活就是屬世生活的果子.  明日的果子取決於你今日的選擇. 詩篇90:12是摩西大約在3500年前向上帝所寫的一首禱告詩歌, 是向神求智慧的心, 來經營人生歲月.  摩西說”我們度盡的年歲, 好像一聲嘆息.  我們一生的年日是七十歲, 若是強壯可到八十歲, 但其中所矝誇的, 不過是勞苦愁煩, 轉眼成空, 我們便如飛而去…” 詩90:8-10.  這裡指出沒有智慧的人生, 就是在忙, 盲, 茫…中, 頓時發現生命的終點…當我們學會勇敢的數算自己的過去, 就可以勇敢學習, 珍惜現在的自己, 並充滿盼望的面對未來, 當我們這樣, 我們就能與主同行.  人生最大的智慧就是敬畏耶和華, 求主幫助我們尊主為大.  我們每一天, 每一刻, 都要堅定的信靠主, 脫離自己生命的狹隘, 斷開舊事的纒累, 上帝必將新的事業, 新的盼望, 帶進我們的生命中.[結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 因為我們的生命是祢所賜的, 每一天的時間都是祢賜給我們的恩典.  我們不知道我們的年日有多少, 但我們要好好的把握和使用我們現在所有的時光, 不要浪費光陰, 我們要為主做美好的見證, 傳揚主的福音.  我們要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力, 善用時光, 愛主和愛人, 盡我們應盡的責任.  將榮耀歸給天上的父.  主啊! 帶領我的道路, 讓我發光, 做人們的好榜樣.  為主而活, 可以流芳百世.  從亙古到永遠, 慈愛永能的天父啊!感謝祢, 透過摩西3500多年前的詩篇, 世世代代, 直到如今, 祢始終成為我們的居所, 如同避風的港灣.  當我的心徬徨不安時, 祢的同在使我安定有歸屬.  當我深陷於隱惡過犯中, 祢的光照亮我, 使我悔改敬畏祢.  主啊!勞苦愁煩的生命就像一聲嘆息.  轉眼成空, 如飛而去. 求主教導我怎樣數算自己的短暫的日子, 好使我得著智慧的心.  求主使我早早飽得祢的慈愛, 賜我歡欣喜樂的能力.  求主使我遭難的日子仍不失喜樂, 活出榮美.  更求主讓我的子孫看見祢的榮耀, 蒙恩得救.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Psalm 90:12 [“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”] [Example] The famous Ming Dynasty scholar, Qian Fu, wrote a song titled “Tomorrow” which goes: “Tomorrow and tomorrow, how many tomorrows there are. I wait for tomorrow, and everything becomes a waste.” One day, the owner of a barber shop had an idea and put up a sign saying “Free haircuts tomorrow.” From the second day onward, more and more customers came, all hoping to get something for free. However, after the haircut, they were all required to pay before leaving. The reason was simple: tomorrow hadn’t come yet, so today they still had to pay. The disappointed customers were not so much deceived by the owner, but by the idea of “tomorrow.” [Reflection] Count your days. Today is the best moment; don’t let tomorrow become an excuse for procrastination. If you often have the habit of wasting time, tell the Lord about it and ask Him to change you. Let today be your responsibility, and let tomorrow be an expression of gratitude for today. We need to reflect on the brevity of life so that we can wisely plan the time God has given us. Only God knows the end from the beginning, so we should pray for grace to act as though we know the outcome. The author of Psalm makes it clear that the right attitude includes seeking God’s wisdom (v. 12), seeking His love (v. 14), and His protection (v. 17). If we hold such an attitude toward life, we will enjoy every moment of it. Let us wisely use every passing year and turn it into eternity. One day, when we leave our earthly lives and return to our heavenly home, the heavenly life will be the fruit of our earthly life. Tomorrow’s fruit depends on the choices we make today. Psalm 90:12 is a prayer that Moses wrote to God around 3500 years ago, asking for a wise heart to manage the years of life. Moses said, “The years of our life are seventy, or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow; they quickly pass, and we fly away.” (Psalm 90:8-10) This points out that a life without wisdom is one spent in confusion and uncertainty, realizing too late where life is headed. When we learn to bravely count our past, we can courageously learn to cherish who we are today, and face the future with hope. When we do this, we will walk with the Lord. The greatest wisdom in life is to fear the Lord. We pray that the Lord helps us honor Him as great. Every day, every moment, we must firmly trust the Lord, escape the narrowness of our lives, break free from the entanglements of the old things, and God will bring new work and new hope into our lives. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You because our life is a gift from You, and every day’s time is Your grace. We do not know how many years we have, but we want to make the most of the time we have now and not waste it. We want to be a beautiful witness for You and spread the Gospel. We will love You and love others, fulfilling our responsibilities with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. All glory be to the Father in heaven. Lord, lead my way, let me shine, and be a good example for others. Living for You can make our name last for generations. From ancient times to eternity, the loving Father who never fails, we thank You for being our refuge, like a safe harbor. When my heart is troubled, Your presence gives me peace and a place to belong. When I am deeply immersed in sin and wrongdoing, Your light shines on me, helping me repent and fear You. Lord, the life of labor and sorrow is like a sigh, quickly vanishing as we fly away. Teach me to number my short days so that I may gain a wise heart. Help me to be filled with Your love early and grant me the ability to rejoice and be glad. May I still have joy in difficult times and live out Your beauty. I pray that my descendants will see Your glory and be saved by Your grace. I pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!