約翰福音15:7和合本[你們若常在我裏面, 我的話也常在你們裏面, 凡你們所願意的, 祈求, 就給你們成就.] 文理委辦譯文[若爾在我, 我道在爾.  凡所欲, 求必得之.] [案例]喬治慕勒是19世紀一個憑信心仰望神, 供應他孤兒院的人. 他成立的孤兒院有兩千名孤兒.  有一晩負責伙食的弟兄憂心地告訴他, 明天的早上沒有食物可吃了.  慕勒請這位弟兄和他一起跪下來禱告.  隔天就早晨雖然沒有食物, 他仍吩咐人將所有的餐具擺好, 孩子們都一一就坐, 大家也一起作了謝飯禱告.  就在這時, 門鈴響了, 有一家麵包店由於某一工廠臨時大罷工, 老闆不曉得要如何處理這已作好的麵包, 就差人整車送了過來.  不久, 又有人來按門鈴, 有輛滿載鮮奶的車子, 正巧在孤兒院附近拋錨, 一直都修不好. 老闆決定將一車的牛奶送給孤兒院, 免得壞掉.  慕勒一生共經歷超過五萬次這類的神迹.  [理由]祈求就給你們.  一個倚靠神的人, 神迹奇事就如同雲彩圍繞般, 不斷的發生.  你對神有信心嗎?一個有信心的人, 他遇見神迹的機會將比其他人都大的多.  本節經文是先有主的話, 後有祈求.  而詩篇119:147-148 是先有醒過來的呼求, 後才仰望默想主的話語.  有時候我們是先讀經, 後禱告.  有時候是先禱告, 後讀經.  讀經與禱告, 相輔而相成.  物有本末, 事有終始.  知所先後, 則近道矣. 本節金句, 很容易只注意到下半段[凡我所願意的, 祈求, 就給你們成就.] 那我們可以求中彩票嗎?我們可以求名車豪宅嗎?求這個求那個嗎?而完忘記上半段經文[你們若]的重要性.  首先是自己要常常在耶穌基督裡面, 意思是要已經是信徒, 要承認耶穌基督為自己的主.  第二是神的話常在自己裏面, 意思是要非常熟悉聖經和真理, 也了解神的心意.  常在耶穌裏面, 意思是常常保守自己在神的愛裏面, 就是這些遵守神命令的人.  我們要像耶穌一樣遵守父神的命令, 我們才有可能一直保守自己在神的愛裏面.  [我愛你們, 正如父愛我一樣.  你們要常在我的愛裏.  你們若遵守我的命令, 就常在我的愛裏, 正如我遵守了我父的命令, 常在他的愛裏.] 約翰福音15:9-10.  有了上面的條件, 既能夠熟悉了解神的話, 又常常順服神的旨意, 遵守神的命令, 這樣的人一旦開口所禱告祈求, 就不會只是求自己想要什麼什麼, 而是會體貼神的心意, 開口求神國度的事情成就.  神國度要彰顯在地上重要的是什麼呢?就是分派我們去各處結果子, 這就是神所在乎關心的事.  [不是你們揀選了我, 是我揀選了你們, 並且分派你們去結果子, 叫你們的果子常存, 使你們奉我的名, 無論向父求甚麼, 他就賜給你們.]約輸福音15:16.[結論]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是全智全能的神.  我們在祢的裏面, 就是能得享受祢的眷顧和應許.  祢聽我們的禱告和祈求, 祢也應允我們.  我們感謝祢, 在生活中常常經歷到祢行奇事和奇妙的作為.  我們要見證祢, 傳揚祢和榮耀祢的名. 主啊!祢是我的主, 我的神!我既然口裡稱祢為主, 就當常常體貼神的心意, 常常順服祢的旨意.  唯有順服跟從, 才能保守自己在神的愛裏不遠離.  唯有熟悉了解神語在我心裡, 保護自己不走錯路, 不迷路.  當開口禱告時, 不是自私自利為自己求, 而是以耶穌基督的心為心, 在乎體貼神的心意, 超過自己的心意.  使我能夠時常經歷到禱告的大能, 見證到神的信實, 看到自己所求得超過所求所想的成就.  藉此來見證神, 榮耀神.  禱告是奉主耶稣基督的名, 阿們!

John 15:7 Union Version [If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.] In Delegated Translation [If you abide in me and my word abides in you, ask whatever you desire, and it shall be granted to you.] [Case Study] George Müller was a 19th-century man of faith who trusted God to provide for his orphanages, which housed over 2,000 orphans. One night, a brother responsible for the food supply told Müller, with concern, that there was no food for breakfast the next morning. Müller asked him to kneel in prayer with him. Despite the lack of food, Müller instructed the staff to set the dining tables as usual, and the children sat down for breakfast. They gave thanks in prayer.

At that moment, the doorbell rang. A baker, unable to deliver bread due to an unexpected factory strike, brought over an entire truckload of bread. Shortly after, another knock came at the door. A milk truck had broken down near the orphanage, and the driver, unable to fix the problem, decided to donate the milk to the orphanage before it spoiled. Over his lifetime, Müller experienced more than 50,000 similar miraculous events. [Reasoning] The verse says, “Ask, and it will be done for you.” A person who relies on God will witness His miracles happening continuously like clouds surrounding them. Do you have faith in God? Those with faith encounter God’s miracles far more often. This verse emphasizes two prerequisites: Abiding in Jesus: This means being a believer who acknowledges Jesus Christ as their Lord.

God’s Word Remaining in You: This implies being familiar with Scripture, understanding God’s truth, and aligning with His will. Remaining in Jesus means staying in God’s love by obeying His commands, just as Jesus obeyed the Father’s commands. Jesus said, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love” (John 15:9-10). [Application] When we truly understand God’s word and faithfully obey His will, our prayers will naturally align with God’s desires rather than selfish requests. The kingdom of God manifests through our actions when we bear fruit as instructed: [You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you] (John 15:16). [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the omniscient and omnipotent God. When we remain in You, we enjoy Your care and promises. You hear our prayers and grant our requests. We thank You for the wondrous acts You perform in our lives. Let us testify, proclaim, and glorify Your name. Lord, You are my God and my King. May I always align with Your heart, obey Your will, and keep myself in Your love. By understanding Your Word deeply, I will protect myself from going astray. When I pray, may my heart reflect Christ’s heart, seeking Your will above my own. Through such prayer, I will witness Your power and faithfulness, seeing blessings beyond what I could imagine. In doing so, I will testify to Your greatness and glorify You. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!