約伯記23:10-12[然而祂知道我所行的路, 祂試煉我之後, 我必如精金.  我腳追隨他的步履, 我𧫴守他的道, 並不偏離.  他嘴唇的命令, 我未曾背棄, 我看重他口中的言語, 過於我需用的飲食.][案例]瓜熟蒂落, 水到渠成, 蝴蝶必須在蛹中痛苦掙扎, 直到它的雙翅強壯了, 才會破繭而出.  人何嘗不是如此, 磨練, 挫折, 掙扎, 蛻變是成長的過程.  生物學家說, 蝴蝶在作蛹之時, 翅膀萎縮不發達.  出繭時, 必須經過一番掙扎, 身體中的體質才能流利翅膀上, 兩翅膀才能有力的在空中飛翔.  有一個人, 養著一個蝴蝶繭.  一天, 恰巧看見蟲繭開始活動了, 整個早晨, 他忍耐等在旁邊察看.  蝴蝶在裏面奮力掙扎, 還是不能進前絲毫, 似乎再也沒有可能出來了.  最後他的耐心用盡, 就用一把小剪刀, 在繭上剪了一個小洞, 讓它出來可以稍微容易一些.  一會兒, 蝴蝶很容易的爬出來了, 可是反常臃腫, 翅膀異常萎縮.  他的幫助反成禍根, 那隻蝴蝶非但不能飛翔空中, 呈現它的美麗, 反而很好痛苦的爬了一會兒就死了.  [思考]艱苦助長.  愛一個人也可以造成是害那個人.  有些艱辛的過程可以幫助一個人真正成長, 有些時候在旁邊儆醒的守望, 代禱, 勝於代替他該有的努力.  本節金句所用的模擬與提煉金子的過程有關.  古代金銀合金提煉淨化的過程稱為灰吹法.  金子與鉛一同安放在坩鍋中熔化, 空氣污染在融化後的金屬表面吹過後, 其中雜質集結為浮渣, 餘下的只有純淨的金屬.  約伯在經過淨化過程, 即患難之後, 也會和經過淨化的金子一樣, 恢復原有的榮譽. [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 祢所安排我們在世間的道路, 往往是艱難困苦, 但都是為了要讓我們屬靈的生命得以成長.  唯有走過這些困難, 我們才能堅強, 好像經過火燒過的精金, 才能夠夠承受人生的風暴, 撒旦的攻擊.  求上帝幫助我們忠心到底. 勇敢走完人生的路程, 把榮耀歸與上帝.  這是一條又悲傷又歡樂的道路, 有痛苦, 也有醫治; 有眼淚, 也有眷願; 有試煉, 也有勝利.  路上時常會遇到困難危險, 拳打掌擊, 逼迫誤會和煩惱苦楚, 然靠著愛我們的主, 在這一切的事上, 已經得勝有餘了. 願信徒都效法約伯, 在苦難中得勝.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Job 23:10-12 [But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot has held fast to His steps; I have kept His way and not turned aside. I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.] [Case Study] “Fruit ripens naturally; water flows when the path is clear.” A butterfly must endure painful struggles inside its chrysalis until its wings grow strong enough to break free and take flight. Similarly, people grow through challenges, setbacks, and struggles, as these are necessary steps in the process of transformation. Biologists explain that when a butterfly is in its chrysalis stage, its wings are underdeveloped. The struggle to break free allows its body fluids to flow into the wings, enabling them to gain strength for flight. A man once cared for a butterfly cocoon. One day, he noticed it starting to move. He watched patiently for hours as the butterfly struggled but made no progress. Finally, losing patience, he used a small pair of scissors to cut a tiny hole in the cocoon to make it easier for the butterfly to emerge. The butterfly came out easily but was swollen and had underdeveloped wings. Because of the man’s “help,” it could not fly and soon died. His intervention robbed the butterfly of the struggle that would have allowed it to gain strength and live. [Reflection] Struggles Build Strength. Loving someone can sometimes unintentionally harm them. Certain struggles are essential for genuine growth. Sometimes, watching from the sidelines, offering prayerful support, is more beneficial than stepping in to help. The verse compares trials to the refining process of gold. In ancient times, the process of refining gold involved melting it with lead in a crucible, allowing air to blow across the surface. Impurities would form as dross, leaving only pure gold behind. Job likened his trials to this refining process. After enduring hardships, he believed he would emerge like purified gold, restored to honor. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, the path You have laid out for us in this world is often filled with trials and hardships. Yet, these challenges are meant to help our spiritual lives grow. Only by walking through these difficulties can we become strong, like gold refined by fire, prepared to face life’s storms and the attacks of the enemy. Lord, help us to remain faithful to the end and courageous as we complete our life’s journey, giving glory to You. This path is one of both sorrow and joy, of pain and healing, of tears and hope, of trials and victories. Though we may face many difficulties, dangers, persecution, misunderstandings, and troubles, we know that in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. May all believers follow Job’s example, triumphing through trials. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!