路得記1:16[不要催我回去不跟隨你. 你往哪裏去, 我也往那裏去; 你在哪裏住宿, 我也在那裏住宿; 你的國就是我的國, 你的神就是我的神.][案例]在印尼一些地方, 捕捉猴子的方法非常有趣.  他們用一個箱子, 將一些果實放在裏面, 箱子上開了一個小洞, 大小剛好夠猴子抓了果實, 手就抽不出來.  除非把手中的果實丟下, 但大多數的猴子, 都不願把手中的東西放掉, 以致當獵人來的時候, 通常都可以很輕易的捉住它們.[理由]選擇的權利.  在人生的路上, 作不同的選擇, 會有極不同的結局, 關係到永遠的前途, 在這裏我們看到路得和他的嫂子, 二人都作了寡婦, 婆婆要回本地去.  這兩個外邦女子要作出極重要的抉擇, 是跟一個窮老寡婦到異地去受苦呢?或是在本地另嫁一個新夫呢?從目前的利益和安全著想, 顯然是要離開婆婆, 而另找出路和對象, 還可以過一個比較快樂的生活, 避免長途跋涉, 冒險走上艱苦的道路, 所以嫂子回去了.  但路德卻決心不離開婆婆拿俄米, 一定要跟從她回到以色列去, 以祂的國為國, 以她的神為神, 的確她是來投靠耶和華, 以色列神的翅膀下, 路得記2:12. 我們看到她後來所蒙的恩惠, 不但得到了安息富足, 並且成了大衛王的曾祖母, 在基督的家譜中有份.  今天擺在每個人面前也有這兩條路, 其得失, 禍福, 榮辱也有天淵之別.  一條就是回到世俗中. 找一個普通對象, 過一般安適的生活; 或是決心跟從主, 走一條十架道路, 認定追求神的國, 奔往天上更美的家鄉.  選擇關係重大.  目光短淺, 只顧眼前的好處是極其錯誤的, 看到百年之後, 望到眾星之上, 才能作出更好的選擇.  想一想在你的生活中, 是否有什麼東西是放不下的, 是你以為極寶貝的, 而十分捨不得的?但你知道心中並不平安, 你需要把這些感覺對上帝陳說. 同時求主給你有放下的勇氣和智慧, 作出最好的選擇.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 創造我們是美好的, 也給予我們有自由選擇的權利.  我們要祈求天父的幫助, 讓我們每次面對選擇的時候, 要以主的心為心, 以主的意念為我們的意念, 能夠放下自己的私慾和貪念, 使我們一生跟隨主, 走在真理的道上, 走在主美好的旨意中, 使我們一生都蒙主賜福.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Ruth 1:16 [Do not urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God.] [Illustration] In some parts of Indonesia, the method of catching monkeys is quite interesting. A box is used with some fruits placed inside. The box has a small hole, just big enough for the monkey to grab the fruit. However, once it grabs the fruit, its hand cannot be withdrawn unless it lets go of the fruit. Most monkeys, unwilling to release what they hold, end up being easily caught when the hunters arrive. [Reason] The Power of Choice. Life is filled with choices, and the decisions we make can lead to vastly different outcomes, shaping our eternal future. In the story of Ruth and her sister-in-law Orpah, both women became widows, and their mother-in-law, Naomi, decided to return to her homeland. These two foreign women had to make a significant choice: should they follow a poor, elderly widow to a foreign land and face suffering, or stay in their homeland and remarry? From a practical perspective, leaving Naomi seemed to be the better choice—it promised a more comfortable life, avoiding the hardship of a long journey and the risk of poverty. Orpah chose to stay behind. However, Ruth resolved to stay with Naomi, returning to Israel, adopting her people as her own, and putting her trust in the Lord, the God of Israel. Ruth’s faith and decision to seek refuge under God’s wings (Ruth 2:12) brought her blessings. She found rest, prosperity, and even became the great-grandmother of King David, taking her place in the lineage of Christ. Today, everyone faces similar choices. These paths lead to starkly different outcomes—comfort in worldly pursuits or following God on a cross-bearing journey to seek His kingdom and a better eternal home. Making choices is critical. Focusing only on immediate benefits is a mistake. True wisdom looks beyond the present, considering what lies ahead. Reflect on your life: is there something you cannot let go of—something you treasure deeply but that robs your peace? Bring these feelings to God, asking Him for the courage and wisdom to let go and make the best choice. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for creating us wonderfully and giving us the freedom to choose. We pray for Your help to align our hearts and minds with Yours whenever we face decisions. Help us to let go of selfish desires and greed so that we may follow You wholeheartedly, walking on the path of truth and fulfilling Your perfect will. May our lives always be blessed by You. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!