雅各書4:8[你們親近神, 神就必親近你們.  有罪的人哪, 要潔淨你們的手; 心懷二意的人哪, 要清潔你們的心.][案例]據加拿大一位專家考證, 使羅馬帝國崩潰的是鉛毒.  羅馬帝國歷代皇帝都嗜酒如命, 而當時盛酒用的是鉛壺, 盛菜肴的是鉛盤, 水管也是鉛質.  羅馬皇帝每天鉛的攝取量, 比現代美國人多了一倍.  歷代羅馬帝國的皇帝都患有痛風, 失眠, 精神異常等症狀, 都是由慢性鉛中毒所造成.  慢性鉛中毒, 會影響摧毀我們的身心.  如果我們不親近神, 豈不也會逐漸親近魔鬼而受其影響呢?[理由]親近神.  只有時常親近神的人, 才能體會到神是我們隨時的幫助.  只有常常把自己交托在神手中的, 才能夠瞭解神是永遠不離開倚靠祂的人.  屬靈的得勝者都是手潔心清的人, 詩24:4.  所以我們若要討神喜悅, 首須潔淨自, 因為非聖潔, 沒有人能見神, 來12:14.  潔淨自己, 首要乃在於心/存心, 次在於手/作為.  你要保守你心, 勝過保守一切, 因為一生的果效, 是由心發出, 箴4:23.  清心的人必得見神, 太5:8.  當我們親近神, 神就必親近我們.  祂不但把我們當兒女, 也把我們當朋友, 與神為友是多麼美好的一件事.  讓我們學習和主不但親如父子, 也是知心的朋友, 可以促膝深談.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢.  祢對我們是何等的慈愛, 當我們越渴慕親近祢的時候. 祢也越向我們顯現祢自己.  祢愛我們, 祢總是會饒了恕我們, 安慰我們, 幫助我們, 要釋放我們的捆綁, 總昰施恩給我們.  只要親近祢, 一切就沒有問題.  我們要單單的親近祢, 祢就以不變的愛, 以愛到底的愛來愛我們, 我們獻上滿心的感恩.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

James 4:8 [Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.] [Illustration] According to a Canadian scholar, lead poisoning contributed significantly to the collapse of the Roman Empire. Roman emperors were notorious for their love of wine, which was often stored in lead containers. Additionally, their food was served on lead plates, and water was supplied through lead pipes. The daily lead intake of a Roman emperor was twice that of a modern American. Over time, chronic lead poisoning led to symptoms like gout, insomnia, and mental instability among the emperors, ultimately weakening their leadership and the empire. Similarly, if we do not draw near to God, we risk drifting closer to evil influences, which can gradually destroy our lives and well-being. [Reason] Drawing Near to God. Only those who consistently draw near to God can experience Him as a present help in times of need. Those who surrender their lives into God’s hands come to understand that He will never forsake those who rely on Him. [Spiritual victory belongs to those with clean hands and pure hearts] (Psalm 24:4). [If we wish to please God, the first step is to purify ourselves, for without holiness, no one will see the Lord ](Hebrews 12:14). Purification begins in the heart—our intentions and thoughts—and extends to our actions. As Proverbs 4:23 teaches, [Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.] [The pure in heart will see God] (Matthew 5:8). When we draw near to God, He draws near to us. He not only calls us His children but also His friends. What a beautiful privilege it is to be a friend of God, able to share our deepest thoughts and commune with Him intimately. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for Your unfailing love and kindness toward us. As we thirst to draw closer to You, You reveal Yourself to us even more. Your love forgives us, comforts us, helps us, and frees us from all bondage. You are always gracious to us. Lord, we choose to draw near to You, knowing that in Your presence, all our troubles fade away. Your unchanging and everlasting love surrounds us, and we are deeply grateful. We offer You our wholehearted thanks and praise. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!