馬太福音6:20-21[只要積攢財寶在天上, 天上沒有蟲子咬, 不能銹壞. 也沒有賊挖窟窿來偷.  因為你的財寶在哪裏, 你的心也在那裏.][案例]有一天, 國王到一位全國最聰明, 最虔誠, 被眾人所敬重的智者家做客. 國王發現他所住的房子非常簡陋, 只有一兩件簡單的傢俱.  國王同情地說”我送你一些很豪華的傢俱吧!”. 智者回答說”謝謝國王, 我有很多傢俱.”  國王好奇的問”你的傢俱放在哪裡?” 智者反問國王說”那麼你的傢俱放在哪裡?”。國王回答說”我的傢俱當然是放在家裡, 就是皇宮裡.” 智者說”我的也是一樣, 我把它們都放在天上的家裡.” [理由]積攢財寶在天. 你的傢俱, 你的財寶, 你的心放在哪裡呢?我們應該把自己的心, 愛, 思想放在永恆上, 而非放在短暫的事物上.  求主使我們渴慕天上的榮耀, 在生活上表現出屬天的智慧.  把財物分給信徒中的窮乏人, 就是積攢財寶在天上, 太19:21, 羅15:26, 林後9:9.  信徒積財於天, 就是在天上開一個帳戶, 當我們有需要時, 可以向神支取.  地上的帳戶有倒閉的可能, 但天上的帳戶永遠可靠.  今天我們為主所花的每一分錢, 都有永恆的價值.  地上的財寶會衰殘, 會朽壞, 會消滅, 所以不值得花太多的心血, 精力, 時間, 更不能完全依賴它.  信徒不能只知依靠錢財, 而不知依靠神.  神的國度就在人的心裏, 路17:21.  在我們的心中應當有神的寶座.  不可讓金錢在我們的心中代替了神的地位.  [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢賜給我們豐盛的恩典, 使我們豐衣足食, 沒有缺乏. 求主幫助我們不要只顧追求世上暫時的財物, 而是要追求那能夠留在天上, 永不朽壞的財寶.  幫助我們的心思意念, 要以主的心為心, 讓我們將自己的時間, 金錢和才幹獻上給祢使用, 能夠事奉祢, 傳揚祢的福音.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Matthew 6:20-21 [But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.] [Illustration] One day, a king visited the home of the nation’s wisest and most devout man, a figure highly respected by all. The king noticed that the sage lived in a very modest house with only one or two simple pieces of furniture. Feeling compassionate, the king said, “I’ll gift you some luxurious furniture!” The sage replied, “Thank you, Your Majesty, but I already have plenty of furniture.” Surprised, the king asked, “Where do you keep your furniture?” The sage then posed a question in return, “And where do you keep yours?” The king answered, “Mine is, of course, in my palace.” The sage smiled and said, “So it is with me—I keep mine in my heavenly home.” [Reason] Storing Treasures in Heaven

Where are your treasures, your furniture, and your heart placed? We should direct our hearts, love, and thoughts toward eternal things rather than temporary matters. May the Lord guide us to yearn for heavenly glory and exhibit heavenly wisdom in our daily lives. To share material blessings with believers in need is to store treasures in heaven (Matthew 19:21; Romans 15:26; 2 Corinthians 9:9). When believers invest in heaven, they open a heavenly account from which they can draw when needed. Unlike earthly accounts that may fail, the heavenly account is always secure. Every penny spent for the Lord has eternal value. Earthly treasures will fade, decay, and disappear. They are unworthy of our excessive attention, effort, and time, nor should we fully rely on them. Believers should depend on God rather than money. [God’s kingdom is within us] (Luke 17:21), and His throne should occupy our hearts. We must not let money take God’s rightful place. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for Your abundant grace that supplies all our needs, leaving us without lack. Help us not to focus solely on pursuing temporary earthly wealth but to seek treasures in heaven that will never perish. Align our thoughts and desires with Your will, Lord. Enable us to dedicate our time, money, and talents to serving You and spreading the gospel. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!