以塞亞書40:25-26[那聖者說:”你們將誰比我, 叫他與我相等呢?” 你們向上舉目, 看誰創造這萬象, 按數目領出, 他一一稱其名, 因他的權能, 又因他的大能大力, 連一個都不缺.][案例]為致敬著名學者樊錦詩為敦煌研究做出的貢獻, 一顆國際編號為381323的小行星被命名為樊錦詩星. 小行星命名具有嚴肅性, 唯一性和永久不可更改性, 是世界公認的崇高榮譽. 然而, 在購物平台上, 亦有提供銷售星星命名權的服務, 有𣎴同的價位. 商家宣稱美國國家宇航局官網永久登記. 顧客可以在商家提供的客戶端中輸入編碼, 查看以自己名字命名的星星. 𠄘認星星以你名字命名的只有你自己. [理由]以商業為目的星星命名是一種誤導. 唯一一位擁有每一顆星星所有權及名字的版權, 那就是上帝. 上帝自已問了那個關鍵, 全面的反問”你們將誰比我, 叫他與我相等呢?” 第25節的”相比” 意思是”和…. 像” 上帝的創造絕非是次等的, 或是衍生出來的. 一切都源於祂, 因此祂有權利按自己的喜好給每個事物命名. 祂的大能大力足夠維持和監督宇宙中每一個分子或一群分子的運動. 我們只向上舉目, 就有權利看到星辰萬象的創造主, 詩19:1-3, 徒14:17, 羅1:19-23. 祂坐在眾星之上. 統治著祂所創造的宇宙. 當我們想到星辰的數量, 其有序的排列, 其榮耀和美顧時. 我們只能感嘆自己的渺小和神的無比大能. 所有天體的都在指定的軌道上運行, 有它們自的名字和位置, 在宇宙偉大的體系中各司其職. 上帝的創造是奇妙的, 不僅是星辰萬象. 我們常常忽略周遭上帝所創造的一切細微的事物. 我們應張開眼睛仔看看你所坐之處的一景一物, 用心靈去看, 用心靈去體驗. [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢創造了星辰萬象及世間萬物, 也創造了我們, 使我們能夠享受這一切的美好. 求主幫我們常常細察我們周遭的人事物. 使我們感受神創造的美妙和偉大. 幫助我們從祢所造之物, 體會到神對我們的疼愛和恩典. 從祢所造之物, 領會到祢給予我們的啟示, 和祢美好的旨意. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Isaiah 40:25-26 [“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.”] [Illustration] In honor of the renowned scholar Fan Jinshi and her contributions to Dunhuang studies, an asteroid, internationally numbered 381323, has been named after her. Asteroid naming is a solemn, unique, and permanently unchangeable honor, recognized globally. However, some online shopping platforms sell “star naming rights” at various price points, claiming permanent registration on NASA’s website. Customers can use provided codes to view stars allegedly named after them. Yet the truth is, only the customers themselves believe those stars bear their names. [Reason]
The Ownership of the Stars. Commercial star naming is misleading. There is only one rightful owner of every star, holding the copyright to their names—God. God Himself posed the pivotal question: “To whom will you compare me, or who is my equal?” (v. 25). The term “compare” here implies “likeness.” God’s creation is neither inferior nor derivative; it originates solely from Him. Thus, He alone has the authority to name each entity as He pleases. His immense power sustains and governs the movement of every molecule and group of molecules in the universe. When we lift our eyes to the heavens, we are granted the privilege of seeing the Creator of the starry hosts (Psalm 19:1-3; Acts 14:17; Romans 1:19-23). He reigns above all stars, ruling over the universe He created. Contemplating the sheer number of stars, their orderly arrangement, and their splendor humbles us, revealing our smallness and God’s incomparable greatness. Every celestial body moves within its assigned orbit, bearing its own name and position, fulfilling its role in the grand system of the universe. God’s creation is not limited to the starry skies. We often overlook the intricate details of His handiwork around us. Open your eyes to observe the surroundings where you sit, and with your heart and spirit, experience the wonder of His creation. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for creating the starry heavens and all things in this world, including us, so that we may enjoy their beauty. Help us to continually examine and appreciate the people, events, and things around us. May we sense the wonder and greatness of Your creation and recognize Your love and grace for us through it. Let Your works reveal Your will and inspire us to follow Your beautiful plan. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!